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After school

Jimins pov

"What?! No!! Eomma I can't!" I tear up a little.
My mum sighs "your father wants you to take over the company...you will go to Japan, learn some manners and then come home and take over the company"

I shake my head "no! I won't! You can't just send me away!!" She sighs again "I'm sorry jimin....the flight is already booked.... you're leaving tomorrow....say goodbye to who you need today"

I huff "you're taking me away from all my friends!!!......I hate you!!"
Her eyes widen, I walk out the house slamming the door.
I quickly walk nextdoor to Jungkooks house and knock on the door.

I smile a little when the door opens, revealing Jungkook in one of my oversized hoodies and some fluffy socks. Jungkook gasps "jimin! You're here.....wait....what's wrong?" He pulls me inside. I look down "I came....to say goodbye"
His eyes widen "what....why?"

Tears roll down My cheeks "my father...he wants me to go to Japan to learn some manner so when I come back I will be good enough to take over his company",
Jungkook tilts his head "BIGHIT?.....but that's a massive company....he can't expect you to run it all alone!"

I nod "he's marrying me to some woman I've never met" his eyes widen "he can't do that! What about me- I mean momo?!!!"
I shrug "my mother says...I'll see them again in a few years.... you'll all be out of school and in collage by then.... I'll be back when you're about to graduate"

I look at him to see tears rolling down his cheeks. He nods "I see..... I'll be here waiting for you to return jimin....no matter how long it takes.... I'll be here.... waiting for you.....you should go say goodbye to the others" I shake my head "can I.....can I stay with you? It's my last day here....I want to spend it with my best friend"

He nods "of course....make sure to facetime everyone else before you go....I understand that your father won't allow you to contact anyone while in Japan" I shake my head and then hug him tightly, he covers his eyes and cries.

I fall to my knees with my arms around him crying "I'm so sorry...."
We both cry

We stay like this until the door opens

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We stay like this until the door opens. We both look at the door to see the art club. I cry more and hug his waist tighter.
He moves his hands and then falls to his knees to hug me.
I cry on his shoulder "I don't want to leave jungkook....I want to stay here.....with all of you"

Beomgyu gasps "you're leaving?" I nod and look at him "my...my father wants me to take over his company.... apparently I don't have manners so I'm being sent away to learn some and then I'll come back and take over his company married to a woman I don't even know...."
Their eyes widen.

Jungkooks pov

I hug jimin tightly and then take a deep breath and stand up helping jimin up as well.
I wipe my tears but they keep falling.
He looks at me "jungkook-" he sobs and more tears fall down his cheeks

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now