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Two weeks later

Jimins pov

My eyes begin to close as I lay my head on Jungkooks lap. He's still breathing and his body has taken the antibiotics now....but he hasn't woken up.

I haven't moved from my seat, however....Jin forced me to eat and yoongi forcefully dragged me to the shower because apparently I smelt like a trash can....

Hana has visited a few times and cried with me....
The nurse says he'll be fine....but he's so pale....he doesn't look alive....I can't lose him.....

I close my eyes and more tears fall fast.
Jungkooks parents visited and cried and so did my mother.
Everyone misses him......

I feel someone rubbing my back. I tilt my head and look up to see.







((A/N: really short chapter and I'm sorry....shit has come up and I'm not doing well at the moment....
Love you all,
I hope you understand
Sorry again 💜 💜))

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