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Jungkooks pov

"KOOKIE!!" I jump when taehyung runs into the lounge and jumps on me, I groan "get off me taehyung", he Huff's "nope, you're stuck now....well done for standing up to Irene....and jimin....must be hard for you", I sigh "where's the others?"

He sits up "at a party with Irene and ji-"
My eyes widen when jimin walks in. I stand up and cross my arms "you're drunk" he nods and then hugs me and cries "don't stop talking to me jungkook!!  You're my best fwend!" He cries more

I giggle "you're such a child Jimin...tae can you help me take him to my room", he nods, me and taehyung help jimin up the stairs and into my room.
Taehyung leaves and I take jimins leather jacket off him and then change him into some sweatpants but I couldn't find a shirt for him.

He giggles and grabs my waist pulling me to him "you know Kookie, you're WAY more prettier than Irene" I blush and push him back "you're drunk jimin you don't know what you're saying"
He smirks "drunks man's.... words is a not drunk mans thoughts"

I gasp when he pulls me down to the bed and pins me down "see! Jungkookie looks better like this than bitchy bitchy bitch does" I blush more "j-jimin...you aren't thinking! S-s-stop!" He shakes his head "stop pushing me.... away!" Tears roll down his cheeks "don't leave me Kookie! You're my best fwend forever!",

I groan when suddenly all his Weight is on top of me....for fuck sake... he's fallen asleep.
Carefully I move up so I'm sat up a little against the headboard which should make getting him off easier.

I roll him off my chest and stand up, I go to walk away when he grabs my hand. I look back at him and he shakes his head "d-dont l-leave m-me" more tears roll down his cheeks. I giggle and crouch down next to the bed and wipe his tears "don't cry jiminie!"

He sits up "but jungkookies gonna leave me!!" He starts to fall asleep again and then pulls me to him and cuddles me like a koala.
I huff and try and get out his grip "jimin, Irene is going to find out about this somehow...stop this... now"

Jimin shakes his head "nope! Baby bun bun baby bun! All mine!" His grip around me tightens and then he sniffles "I love you jungkook..."
My eyes widen and then I look at him but he was already sound asleep.

Holy fuck....hold the fucking duck....
Jimin loves me?!
As in popular park jimin...loves me?.....a piece of trash....
He's drunk.....drunk people don't think right....

He's in love with Irene...not me...never me
Taehyung opens the door and chuckles "you stuck?" I nod and then sigh. Taehyung tilts his head "what did he do?" I look at him "he said he loved me...." Taehyungs eyes widen "he did?!" I nod "but he's drunk....really drunk...so I blame it on that.."

Taehyung Huff's "you know the saying a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts...think about that....night kook... we'll have a movie night when you aren't being crushed by your crush" I roll my eyes "shut up tae.... goodnight"
Taehyung walks out

So much for a fucking movie night to forget about jimin...

((A/N: very short chapter,will try to update again soon))

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