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A few months later

Jungkooks pov

"YES!! FINALLY!" I laugh seeing yoongi, hoseok and namjoon all flop down on different couches.
They just finished making a song and all the music to go with it....all the members came in and sung their part of the song and i sat through them all listening to them all sing/ rap....
And it made me realize something....
Jimins voice is angelic....it's so soothing and beautiful....

I look at namjoon "what's the name of the song?....I wasn't listening before" He looks at me and Huff's "it's we are bulletproof: the eternal....you can listen to it if you'd like....it's all done and ready to be sent out next week" I nod and walk over to the laptop and sit down in the chair.

I put headphones on and press play on the track

((A/N: every time I hear this song I burst out crying))

I listen to it all the way through and smile..... recently we have been getting ready to release a whole album...we have many songs to release and I'm so excited! This is our first fill album with jimin!

I take the headphones off and smile "it's amazing! Well done guys!" Namjoon chuckles "we're glad you like it Kookie...."
Hoseok pouts "it'll make army cry I can guarantee it....I don't want that"

Yoongi looks at him "hobi....many army's cry everyday because one of us spoke.... many army's go back to look at our debuted music and cry because of how far we've come...there is no stopping armies from crying daily..."

I laugh a little "that's true....god I already miss them! When do we get to see them again?" Namjoon chuckles "we will fly to the UK in three days to perform in London for two nights so.....three more days and then we will be able to see army again"

I huff "that's not soon enough!....maybe I could do a Vlive with jimin" hoseok tilts his head "you seem to be doing a lot with jimin and not the rest of us", I tilt my head "what?"
Namjoon shrugs "it's just everything you do you always do with jimin.... jungkook....do you like him?".

I shake my head "no? We're best friends.... Tae and jimin do loads together and yet none of you jump on their backs about it!"
Hoseok nods "alright kook....calm down....we were just wondering..."

I walk out the studio and walk to jimins bedroom and knock on the door "jimin you better not be naked because I'm coming in!"
I hear a gasp and then hesitate but open the door.

My eyes widen when I see.

Jimin and taehyung kissing.....
I look around the room to see empty alcohol bottles.
Oh.... they're drunk.

Jimin looks at me "Kookie! You're here! We were just gonna come get you!" I shake my head "sorry....I went into the wrong room.... sorry guys....carry on" I walk out closing the door.

I walk back to my room and on my way I knock on Jins door "hyung! Jimin and taehyung are drunk and kissing!!!", I hear Jin groan "for god sake!! Honestly I'm going to ban everyone in this house from alcohol! They're both gonna regret everything they do tonight in the morning" I giggle and walk to my room and sit down at my desk and set the Vlive up and start it up and then wait for army to join

I walk back to my room and on my way I knock on Jins door "hyung! Jimin and taehyung are drunk and kissing!!!", I hear Jin groan "for god sake!! Honestly I'm going to ban everyone in this house from alcohol! They're both gonna regret everything th...

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I smile seeing loads of army joining.i wave "hi army! I'm here!...I couldn't wait three days to see army again....I miss you all so much!!......how have your days....or nights been?"
I lean forward a little to read the comments and giggle a little reading some "you're at school???.....whoopsy.... sorry...study hard! Fighting!",

I continue reading some and blush a little when most of them start to ask about jimin.
I smile widely reading out one comment and then giggling "I'm a bunny??....no...I'm a human" I smile

I huff a little seeing most the comments asking for another member to join

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I huff a little seeing most the comments asking for another member to join. I sit back and huff leaning my elbows on the table and then leaning on my hands..... should I ask another member to join?...I don't know.....

I don't know

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No.... it's my solo vlive...

I continue the Vlive for awhile and then end it "bye bye army!! I purple you all!! Have an amazing day or night!! Bye" I wave and then turn it off.
I look at the time....oh my god....it's 2am.....

I'm gonna get my ass beat tomorrow morning....oh well!
I stand up and flop onto my bed and huff staring at the Ceiling

Normally I'd be broken if I saw jimin kissing someone else....but he's drunk....and it was taehyung....I remember once playing truth or dare they got dared to kiss one another.... obviously they did but they both found it disgusting and didn't speak to one another for a while three days after.....they both told us to never remind them about it again because they were friends nothing else....and also!.... taehyung is technically with yoongi and Hoseok.

By technically I mean...they broke up because there is a no dating thing in our contract....but our manager then said not long ago that they could be together IF it is kept quiet....but none of them have spoken to one another about it so technically they're still in love with one another.

Wait.....why would I car anyways? It's not like I love jimin anyway.................
I love him ages ago....but I'm sure those feelings left ages ago....
I stand up from my bed and pull out the box of mine and jimins memories from our friendship.

I pull out a photo album I made....this was originally what I was going to give to Jimin to express my love to him....but obviously he got with Irene.....
I wrote how I felt while having a crush on him in here....I want to see if I still feel the same.

I flip to the page and start to read it.
"Butterflies in my stomach....hate seeing him with others....always wants to be close to him....loves his voice because it's so soothing and Beautiful.....
Fucking shit......I still love jimin....."

I sigh and look down "why don't feelings just....disappear............or maybe I should just tell him....accept the rejection and then we'll be fine!........maybe that's the better option then ignoring it......I don't know........ugh! I hate feelings!!!"

I lay on my back on the floor and close my eyes thinking of what exactly to do about my feelings.....
I think it's a BAD idea telling him my feelings.... but.....it could also end out good??...... right?....

Who the fuck am I even asking?!!!
Fucking feelings are fucking with my Brain to much.....
I wish I was a stone.....no feelings....no anything....just peace.....

I don't fucking know what to do!!!! Why is this so complicated! And confusing!......

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