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Jimins pov


Army's scream. I stand up and look on the stage and gasp "oh no......










JUNGKOOK!!!!" I drop everything I had in my hands and run on to the stage and run to jungkook who was in a puddle of blood. I see jin crying while gripping Jungkooks shirt "no no no no no!!"

I fall to my knees and rest Jungkooks head on my knees "open your eyes for me baby....keep them open" his eyes are open Slightly "j-j-j-jimin" he smiles weakly. Sirens are heard all around and medics run on to the stage and take jungkook out the stadium and Into an ambulance.

Jin stays where he was led on the stage with tears rolling down his cheeks fast. I kneel next to him "hyung..." He looks at me "I'm so sorry jimin!!! I was too slow! I couldn't push him in time!! I'm so sorry!!!" More tears roll down my cheeks "don't blame yourself hyung...."

Fans were quickly escorted out the building and all of us along with our manager make our way to the hospital where jungkook was taken too.
We all sit in the waiting room, Jin was crying the hardest and hugging Namjoon

I cry and cover my face "why....why are people so horrible?!" Yoongi rubs my back "I know chim.....it's going to be okay..... jungkook is strong" I look at him "what about the baby hyung?! What about the baby!?"

I gasp a little when Hana runs into the waiting room and jumps on my lap crying and hugging me "Appa!" I hug her tightly "baby girl" she cries "i-i-i- want eomma!", I cry more and nod "I know baby....eomma will be okay"

I see my parents walk in with Jungkooks parents as well, they all sit down and I hug Hana and kiss her head "it's going to be okay.....be strong....for eomma"

A doctor walks out "family of jeon ju-" we stand up and I hold Hana and walk to him "how is he?! And the baby!?" He looks at me "he lost a lot of blood.... Luckily the bullet didn't hit anything too important....but the baby.....we aren't sure if it made it yet....we will find out".

More tears roll down my cheeks "please do everything you can to save him" he nods "we're doing everything possible all of our best doctors and nurses are working on it....it will be okay" I sigh and we all sit back down.

I look down "this is all my fault....if I never joined bts....if me and jungkook never got together.....if I never put a baby inside of him....then none of this would have ever happened"
Hoseok looks at me "shut up!" We all look at him shocked.

He looks down "I'm sorry okay! But you're wrong Jimin! Jungkook was happy with you! Jungkook fucking adored you and was so happy when he found out he was pregnant!! None of this is any of our faults! It's that fucking bitch ass whore who is too jealous and childish and decided to ruin so many people's lives!! It's none of our faults!!!"

We all stare at him shocked.....he has never snapped like that before.....but now he's calling someone a bitch ass whore.....yoongi gulps "omg what happened to our sunshine Hobi"
Hoseok sighs "I'm sorry but....it is not our fault....all we can do is be here for jungkook and the baby and one day they will be okay and you will be a family....we will be a family...."

We all gasp hearing something outside. We all walk outside and and smile a little seeing thousands of army yelling "JUNGKOOK FIGHTING!!!" Army's were crying or getting ready to kill someone.
I pass Hana to taehyung and walk to a police officer "sir....have you found the person?"

He looks at me "we have attested five suspects.....we will have them locked up soon....they won't get away with this.....stay strong park jimin", I nod and bow to him "thank you sir...."
I walk back to the others and sigh "one of us should stay with jungkook until he gets better" namjoon sighs "no jimin... we'll all stay with him until he wakes up....and I'm sure army will always visit the hospital so we should keep them updated as well...."
I sigh and nod.






This is all my fault.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now