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Jimins pov

The doctor opens the door. I tilt my head and gasp when I see....














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"His....his hand moved?" The doctor nods "he's alive....he hasn't opened his eyes yet but he is moving his hands slightly....this might only be a small gesture but at least he's giving signs that he's not dead"

I smile "he's alive!!!" I turn to the doctor nods who chuckles "indeed he is" I hug the doctor and laugh a little "this is amazing!! He's alive!!" He nods and I step back "can he hear?", The doctor nods "we think so...."

I walk to jungkook and tears roll down my cheeks. I grab his hand and smile "I knew you'd get through this.... we'll all wait for you....don't stop fighting Kookie.... we'll all be here when you open your eyes....take as long as you need"
I feel him weakly squeeze my hand.

I gasp and kiss his head "be back Kookie!" I let go of his hand and run back to the others. I grab Jin and shake him by the shoulders he gasps "whoa what are you so excited about? Stop shaking me!" I smile "He's alive hyung!!! He's alive!!!! He moved his hand!!!" Jins eyes widen and I stop shaking him "w-w-wait really?" I nod "he hasn't opened his eyes but he's alive!!!"

Taehyung looks at me "he is??" I look at him and nod "he weakly squeezed my hand....he's alive....he's okay", taehyung drops the microphone he was holding and runs back into the hospital.

Tears roll down my cheeks. Jin tilts his head "why are you crying?" I look down "he's alive hyung....I'm so happy....my best friend is okay" I pick Hana up and spin her around making her giggle.
Hana smiles "see appa all we had to do was stay strong and Kookie wakes up!", I nod and smile

Fans cheer, hoseok smiles and talks into the microphone "he's alive!!" Everyone cheers loudly,many were still crying.
We all walk back inside to Jungkooks room.
We walk inside and I put Hana down. Taehyung was sat next to Jungkook holding his hand with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Yoongi walks to taehyung and puts his hand on his shoulder "he'll open his eyes soon...we have to be strong for him and be patient", taehyung nods "yeah....I just miss him....I miss jungkook running and tackling me in a hug....him complaining about jimin being annoying....I miss him"

I nod "we all do Tae.... he'll wake up soon and I'm sure he'll complain about me more" taehyung chuckles a little and nods "yeah..." Hoseok walks to him and yoongi, hoseok wipes taehyungs tears away "don't cry Tae... jungkook wouldn't like that"

I see Jin hugging namjoon smiling a little. I look at Hana who looks up at me "Kookie is okay" I nod "he just needs to open his eyes... we'll wait for him....we will all be here when he opens his eyes." I pick her up and look at Jungkook.
Taehyung stands up and gestures for me to sit down.

I shake my head "no it's okay...you sit there....I'm sure Jungkook likes your company", taehyung Huff's "jimin you're the one who has never left this room until today since he's been in here....you're his best friend....sit down and hold his hand"

I sigh and nod "yes taehyung", I sit down and have Hana sat on my lap. I carefully grab Jungkooks hand and smile a little. Hana giggles "wake up soon Kookie....we miss you so so so so much" I feel jungkook squeeze my hand a little. I kiss Hana's head "he misses you too baby... he'll wake up soon..... hopefully"
Let's just hope nothing goes wrong.....

He's alive.....I'm so fucking happy......all he needs to do now is open his eyes.....
And when he does....I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt him again.....

I just hope it's soon when he opens his eyes....I cant wait to hug him again and look into his big brown doe eyes...eyes that hold the whole galaxy....
God I miss him so fucking much.....I'm so happy he's okay....

((A/N:sorry for the short chapter I will update later as well))

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