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Jungkooks pov

I open my eyes to see first aiders around me.i sit up and groan a little "what happened?"
Jin sighs "you collapse and fainted on stage.... you've been out for a few hours"

I gasp "I need to apologize to my fans!" Yoongi tilts his head "what why?" I look down "because I wasn't strong enough....I collapsed on stage....I ruined the proformence!"
I start to cry, I cover my face as my tears fall

I ruined the proformence!" I start to cry, I cover my face as my tears fall

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Namjoon sighs "kook....you shouldn't apologize....you need time as well....you need time to care and rest yourself....we know all you want is your fans to be happy....but the fans want you to be happy too....you did an amazing proformence out there and they all love you...."

I shake my head "I could have done better....I slipped during the choreography...." Hoseok tilts his head "nobody saw that....not even me....stop worrying about it....you did Amazing"

Taehyung nods "now you need to rest and eat properly....your fans want to know you're happy and healthy....please....you need to get better before any more concerts" I sigh and wipe my tears "hyung....I miss him..." Namjoon tilts his head "jimin?" I nod "it's been years....and I don't even know if he moved back yet....I want to see him again"

Yoongi looks at namjoon who shakes his head. I tilt my head "what?" Yoongi shrugs "nothing....we know it hurts and I'm sure when he comes back you'll be the first person he'll visit" I sigh and stand up "do you think he's proud of me?" Namjoon nods "definitely"

I smile and then we all walk to the back of the stadium and walk out with bodyguards protecting us from the fans. I stop walking when a girl yells "LOOK ITS PARK JIMIN!!!!"
I look around and gasp a little when I see jimin and Hana stood by a black car.

I tap my bodyguards shoulder "can we go to jimin?", He nods "of course"
The others get into the car while I make my way to jimin. We walk to him.
It's Hana that spots me first, she screams "Kookie!!!"
I laugh a little and she runs and hugs me

I hug back "hello Hana...when did you guys get home?" She smiles "two years ago! Today we came here to find Jin and Tae for work reasons!"
My smile fades "oh....I see" I look up to see Jimin on the phone.

I kiss her head "go back to Appa....tell him jungkook says hi okay?" She nods "I miss you Kookie" I smile a little "I miss you too....." she runs to jimin.
I look down and then walk to the car with my bodyguard. Fans scream and yell things

I close the door and force a proper smile and open the window and we wave to everyone until we get far enough away i close the window and look down and sigh "work related.... obviously not here to see me"

Jin sighs "you spoke to him?" I shake my head "no...I spoke to Hana.....she said they got back two YEARS ago....and only came here to find two models for his company",
Taehyung sighs "I'm sure he was just busy-"

I nod "of course....cause nobody can get one day of in two years....I totally understand....no...you know what....I'm not even gonna chase after him....if he wants to talk he can come to me....I'm done chasing him...."

Yoongi nods "he'll come running to you one day" I huff and then we arrive at my house and we all climb out and walk inside.
I close the door when everyone is in "Jin, Tae are you gonna do the modeling for him?"

Jin shrugs "not sure yet..." Taehyung nods "me neither....we use to be friends but....it's a bit of a dick move to come to your best friends concert to find two other people and not even stop and support the best friend on stage"

I roll my eyes "just do it....like I said....if jimin wants to contact me he has my number....if he doesn't? Then I'll just keep my sadness and depression to myself!",

Hoseok grabs my hand "it must hurt bad..." More tears fall and I hug him "he was my best friend....I miss his smile....his laugh....his...his everything!....I miss my best friend!", Hoseok rubs my back "you're so emotional....go get some rest okay? We'll all make sure you're comfortable and everything is up to date okay? Go and sleep" I nod "okay...."

I jump a little when my phone starts to ring. I pull it out and look at it and my eyes widen "wait........


((A/N:who could it be?))

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