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A few months later

Namjoons pov

"Okay so operation jikook isnt working.....they are always avoiding one another, even on stage! This isn't working!" I look around the table at the others (except for jungkook and jimin)

Yoongi Huff's "I tried making them record together....but that didn't work" hoseok sighs "nothing has...." Taehyung nods

*Flashback #1*
3rd person

Yoongi walks to jungkook who was sat in his room playing video games "hey Kookie we're ready for your recording" jungkook nods "alright I'm coming" he exits the game and follows Yoongi to the recording studio.
When they arrive jungkook and jimin don't notice one another at first.

Yoongi smirks "alright you two-" they both look up and lock eyes. Jungkook shakes his head "no no hyung.....jimin go first....I said call me when everyone was finished" yoongi sighs "but it's easier to record you both together-" jungkook just shook his head and left the room making jimin sigh and look down.

*End of flashback*


*Flashback #2*
3rd person

Jin stands in the kitchen with jungkook making dinner for everyone, they were talking about random things and play fighting with one another having fun. Jin looks at jungkook "oh by the way I called for the others to help us cook....maybe we could do a Vlive?"

Jungkook giggles "hyung-"  he gets cuts off by jimin walking into the kitchen "oh....the others aren't here yet?"
Jungkook glares at Jin "you didn't invite the others did you?" Jin sighs "guys...." Jungkook doesn't let him speak he just walks past jimin back Into his room.

Jungkook didn't eat dinner that night either.

*End of flashback*


3rd person

Hoseok walks into the dance studio to see jungkook and jimin are the only ones dancing in there. He walks into the studio "hey guys....you working together?"
Jimin shakes his head "no...this was the only room unlocked....we haven't spoken to one another"

Hoseok looks at Jungkook who continues dancing to the song that was on. Hoseok sighs "why don't you two dance together again? You're both Amazing dancers?" Jungkook picks his stuff up "sorry hyung....maybe you and jimin...." Hoseok tilts his head "why?"
Jungkook looks at hoseok "you know exactly why..." He then walks out the dance studio leaving hoseok and jimin alone

*End of flashback*


*Flashback #4*
3rd person

Taehyung walks to jungkook and jimin who were sat in the lounge together but on complete opposite sides of the couch. Taehyung looks at jimin "hey chim....wanna go to the arcade down the road?" Jimin shrugs "sure..."

Taehyung looks at jungkook "what about you kook?" Jungkook shakes his head not even looking up from his phone "no but it's raining out so I doubt manager and namjoon will let you both out again"
Taehyung sighs and jimin Huff's and walks to his room

*End of flashback*


*Flashback #5*
3rd person

Namjoon sits in the kitchen writing lyrics for their new song when jimin walks in, namjoon looks at him "oh jimin....come check this song out....do you think it'll be okay?" He turns the notepad to jimin who reads the lyrics.
Jimin nods "yeah sounds amazing...."

Jungkook walks into the kitchen "hey rapmon I got your messa- oh.... nevermind then" he walks back out.
Namjoon gasps "jungkook!" Jimin sighs "sorry....you should know he doesn't walk into the same room with me....If I'm in the room he isn't.... simple" jimin then walks away making namjoon groan and lean his head on the table

*End of flashback*


Taehyung looks around "maybe we should just confront them both? And force them to sit down together and talk." We all look at him, he smirks "I'm cleaver I know" I roll my eyes "uh hu....but that might actually work...."

We all stand up. Taehyung, yoongi and Hoseok all go to beg jimin and me and Jin go to get jungkook.

I just hope this works....army's are getting really supicious now....and we really want our friends to be happy again....we aren't bts without jikook flirting and bickering all the time....

I just hope this works.........

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