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A few months later


stare out the window holding minjun who was asleep....he's growing well....he is still very small for his age but he's gaining weight and growing so they aren't worried about him.... they have to check him every week just to name sure he's okay but so far everything seems okay

Hana is in school and loves it! The band are creating more and more songs and selling albums all over the world....but....the thing that's on my mind a lot recently is....me and Jimin haven't spoken about the wedding or anything.... we've just had piles and piles of work to do and Ive been dealing with the kids....

I guess marriage just isn't an option right now....not until we've disbanded I guess....so years away....I just hope we stay together for that long....
I look down at my ring and sigh....I'm just being selfish....I shouldn't be thinking about the wedding

No, I should be thinking of our next comeback and the fans....god....I'm so selfish...
I lay Minjun down and kiss his head "sleep well baby boy" I walk out the room and see the others apart from jimin and yoongi in the lounge doing some paperwork that I wasn't allowed to help with.

I walk to the kitchen and grab some chocolate and then walk to the lounge "hey-" they all turn the paperwork over and I sigh, Jin stands up "what's up kook?" I pout "why can't I help with the paperwork and where have the other two gone?"

Namjoon sighs "because you're stressed jungkook and should relax... you've been so stressed lately and we want to help and the other two needed a small break so left for a walk" I sigh and nod "I see...well.....tell me if you need any help?" They all nod.

I walk to mine and jimins bedroom and huff eating my chocolate. I turn the TV on and watch "love Simon".

I finish the film and sit up with tears rolling down my cheeks. I giggle and wipe my tears "such an amazing film...I love it so much" I stand up and look around seeing it's now dark outside.

I walk into the lounge to see everyone but jimin asleep on the floor. I sigh and then place blankets over them (Hana was in her room by the way asleep)
I jump when someone slides their arms around my waist. I look at them and giggle "hey jimin"

He smirks "hey baby you alright....you look sad" I nod "I just watched love Simon" he chuckles "ah I see....what else have you done today then?" I shrug "not a lot....I just played with Hana and minjun..."
We walk to the bedroom and I look at him while we both change into comfy clothes "you were out all day....you alright?"

He nods "yeah....just the stress of the paperwork got to me and I needed a long walk....why? Did I worry you?....I'm sorry baby" I giggle and kiss his cheek "no it's fine just next time tell me that you're leaving...." He nods "definitely..."

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head "I can't wait for the day to call you my wi-" I cut him off "we should sleep...." He tilts his head

Jimins pov

"I can't wait for the day to call you my wi-" jungkook cuts me off "we should sleep" I tilt my head and walks to the bed and lays down facing away from me....

What happened???.....did I say something wrong?....does he not want to get married?
I didn't go on a walk today I went to find a venue for our wedding and rings for us...and I also set the date for it!....but maybe....this was a bad idea doing it without him knowing....

I lay down next to him and pull him closer to me "what's wrong baby? Do you not want to get married anymore?" He shakes his head "of course I do! I can't wait for it....but...that's all that's been on my mind....and I just feel selfish....I'm so worried about the fucking wedding that I wasn't focused on the fans or anything"

I tilt my head "worried?" He sighs "worried isn't the right word but I was....confused?.....we haven't spoken a word about it until today....so I have said to myself that baby....after we disband.....right.....I'm just being selfish.... we'll talk about it more when the time is right...... right?" I stay silent shocked about what he's saying

That's what's been on his mind all this time...."you shouldn't feel selfish baby....your excited....so am I! We're gonna get married one day baby I promise and it won't be when we disband because I can't wait that long!" He rolls his eyes "don't get my hopes up jimin..." He yawns and then we cuddle closer to one another

Slowly he falls asleep and I chuckle playing with his hair and kiss his head and whisper "oh just you wait beautiful.... we'll get married soon...."

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