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A few weeks later

Jungkooks pov

"and then he CHEATED on me!" Irene smirks talking to her friends while leaning against my locker.....it was the end of the school day and I'm already in a bad mood.
I huff and walk to them "excuse me, I'd like to get to my locker",
Irene tilts her head "do you hear something girls?",

Joy shakes her head "no....must be a ghost"
I smirk "oh yeah? If I'm a ghost then why can I do this?" I push them out my way and Irene falls to the floor.
I open my locker and giggle "kiss the floor bitch~"

I get my books out and put them in my bag and then giggle a little when someone Taps my shoulder, I turn around to see jimin holding out a coffee to me.
Jimin chuckles "this is for my best friend"

I take it and giggle "thanks hyung....oh!" I open my bag and then hand him a box which was full of mochi.
He gasps and smiles "yes! You're the best!" I laugh a little "it's canabalism though!"

Jimin huffs "then you arent allowed to eat cookies" my eyes widen "fine! You can eat mochi....I can't live without my cookies" he laughs a little.

Irene clears her throat "ahem....I'm still on the floor?",
We both look at her.jimin nods "okay? And we're supposed to care?"
She gasps and stands up "I am still your wife jimin so you should still care about me!"

Jimin Huff's "no.... because if I recall...I filed the Divorce...it's just you being a clingy bitch and not wanting to sign them....plus can I also point out! You cheated on me before anyway....so fuck you" she smirks "please~"

I groan "gross! Irene....jimin obviously doesn't want you around anymore....just go away....it's not rocket science" she looks at me not saying anything. I roll my eyes "I'll say it slowly and short for the dummy with the name Irene.....GO.THE.FUCK.AWAY!"

she glares at jimin "you're just gonna let him talk to me like that?" Jimin nods "yeah?......come on Kookie! You promised to watch the game!" I nod "alright alright....let's go" I close my locker and then look at Irene and smirk "bye bye~"

Jimin pulls me away and to the changing rooms. we walk in and I groan covering my eyes. Jimin laughs a little "whats wrong?" I huff "I don't know about you but I don't want to see you all basically naked...."
Jimin pulls me somewhere and makes me sit down "alright you can look now"

I hesitate but open my eyes and pout...I'm sat facing the wall.
I hear Baekhyun laugh "oi chim! Why's he sat in that corner?! Has he been a bad boy?",
Jimin laughs "no he just doesn't wanna see you guys naked"

I hesitate but turn around to look at them all "I don't think seeing all my friends naked was on my bucket list" taehyung smirks "it wasn't?....but you can tell us who looks at sexiest!", I laugh "ew no.."

Namjoon laughs "he'll obviously say jimin! They're best friends they vote for one another for everything!"
Jimin laughs "Ha! I knew it! I'm the sexiest here!!"
I roll my eyes "whatever helps you sleep at night jimin" I look at him and then quickly look away when I see him only in his boxers.

Minho chuckles "kook....are you happy that Hana calls you eomma?" I shrug "I guess....she deserves a nice step-in-mom....until jimin finds a wife of course....maybe momo?.... remember you two were close.....and then I'll be a friend.....so it's cute to hear her call me eomma....but I know...one day I'll be called Kookie and I'll be a friend and-"

Suho tilts his head "what if jimin marries you?"
I see jimin freeze in his place. I roll my eyes "he'd never do that..... remember what he said..... we're friends..... We'd never work like that....don't be stupid..."

I stand up and look at jimin "I'm gonna go find a seat okay?", He shakes his head "no...you're gonna be sat next to coach....I want you to be the first person I celebrate with when we win!", I giggle "okay...I'll go sit down okay?", He nods.

I walk out the changing rooms and onto the field. I walk to the coach who hands me something. I tilt my head "what is this?", She looks at me "jimins number football jersey....so everyone knows that you're on the field because of a player..... put it on....take your hoodie off"
I gulp "but....I only have a cropped top underneath", she shrugs "so?"

I huff and then see the footballers walk out so I walk into the changing rooms and change.

I huff and then see the footballers walk out so I walk into the changing rooms and change

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I walk back out to the field and to the coach who was  talking to the footballers. Jimin looks at me and chuckles "nice Jersey kook" I huff and cross my arms "shut up park" he laughs a little.

The coach Huff's "park! Enough flirting! If you win he will give you all a kiss! Now chop chop! Move it and win the game!!!" They all nod and run out to the field.

I gasp "oi! I won't kiss them!" She nods "I know....but look.... they're all getting serious.... especially jimin.... they'll win for sure!....make sure to cheer loudly" I roll my eyes and sit on the bench that was on the edge of the playing field.

The referee blows the whistle signaling the game starting. I watch jimin run to the ball and dribble it away from the opposition.
I gasp and stand up quickly when he gets close to the goal.

He kicks the ball and scores. I gasp "YES!!!" Everyone cheers. Jimin smiles....he's amazing at this!! No competition at all!!

I watch the rest of the game cheering loudly when our team scores.
Final minuet and it's a tie.....changbin has the ball....he passes it to Han who passes it to jimin who .

"WHOA!!! GO JIMIN!!!" Everyone cheers jimins name.
The team group hug and cheer.
I smile and walk towards them and then gasp when jimin runs to me and picks me up by my waist and spins me around. My hands go on his shoulder and I Giggle.

He stops spinning and holds me up a little longer "we did it!" I nod and smile "you did.... congratulations jimin"
He starts to put me down but I wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

He chuckles "did I impress you?" I giggle and nod looking at him "you're amazing!"
I look at his lips and then start to lean closer to him.

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now