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I was gone Chill with Tj but nah.  I decided to stop leadin him on,  ima just do me now. I think that's best anyways. I was layin in my bed when I got a text from J. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

- text convo -
J-man:  wyd.
Me: layin down.
J-man:Word you seem bored so let me steal you for a hour or
Me: I'm not dressed. I'm in my pj's.
J-man: Oh well. It's too late now cause I'm outside yo window. So come on.

I looked out my window and he was standin there lookin slow. I sighed and put a headband on cause my curly hair was all over my head. I walked downstairs and Ciara was in the living room exercising.  "Hey Ciara" I said.  "Hmm?" She asked as she did a back bend , I laughed and she looked at me. "Can I go out with j?" I asked and she smacked her lips. "J? Uh yeah. Don't come back too late or ya pops is gone have a fit" she said and I nodded. "Thanks mom" I said and she nodded still doing a backbend. I went out the door and J was sittin in the car. When he seen me he laughed and I rolled my eyes. I Got in his car and folded me arms. "What's funny?" I asked. "You look like a lil ass kid dressed like that" he said and I looked down at my Pj's and I actually did. I had on night clothes pants with bunnies on them. A button up shirt to match and I had on my bunny booties. "So" I said laughing. "And yo hair ma. Damn I shoulda had you get dressed" he said and I scoffed and looked at myself in the mirror. "It's not bad,  it's just all over the place. I like my hair like this" I said and he nodded. "Nah I'm playin.  You look......  cute" he said and I smirked. He started the car and drove off. "Where are we going?" I asked. "A special place." He said and I sighed and nodded. I fell asleep and when I woke up we were at this big house way in the back of Brooklyn.  "Who's house is this?" I asked with wide eyes.  "Mine" he said gettin out the car. I got out and we walked up to the house. He got out a key and unlocked the door. The walls were glass,  it was like a glass and marble house. It was gorgeous,  wonder how much he paid for it. "This is nice" I said.  "Thanks" he said taking off his coat. "So how do you still live with uncle Jawan but you have a house." I said. "I come here when I need time to think or when I just wanna be alone" he said and I nodded. "But I'm here so you not alone" I said and he stared at me. "Just feel special ma.  Ain't nobody else been here before. I don't even want people to know about this so don't tell nobody aight? " he said and I nodded. "Your secret is safe with me" I said and he nodded. "Yo follow me" he said and I followed him. We walked upstairs and it was even nicer. He opened some door and when we walked in I was amazed. It was a all white room and ahead was a big glass window,  showing the whole city. "Here" he said handin me a blanket and i wrapped it around me. He opened the door to the outside and We walked out. He sat at the edge and I looked below and I swear we were up so high. "The whole idea of bein up here is to not look down. I sit up here Cause I feel free" he said and I nodded. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I looked down anyways and we REALLY were up high. "This is crazy" I said and he shrugged. He pulled a blunt out his pocket and looked at me. "Yeah I smoke LiLi.  Don't act like you ain't know" he said. "I wasn't even bouta say nothing" I said laughing. He lit it up,  and put it to his lips,  inhaling the smoke. I watched the smoke come out his nose and his mouth. "So why did you bring me here?" I asked. "Cause I needed to talk to you" he said. "Talk" I said pushing my hair out my face but the wind kept blowing it back. "I was just thinkin bout when we was younger and my pops asked me if I liked you and I said yeah." He said laughing.  "He use to always tell me we gone be together and you gone be my wife and the mother of my kids if I ever have some." He said and I smiled and continued to listen. He inhaled some smoke again then blew it back out. "The other day I was talkin to my moms about how I want somethin real and she told me she wanted me to be with you. Everybody want us to be together you know?" He asked lookin at me with low,  eyes.  His eyes were even greener then usual but they were a little red. "Yeah" I said and he shook his head. "Can I be 100 witchu? " he asked and I nodded. "I was thinkin bout you before I came over.  I was thinking bout how we was so close when we was younger,  how we use to always get in arguments and how we still do get in arguments and I swear I would rather argue witchu all the time then anybody else." He said and I looked ahead and moved my hair behind my ear. "I do....  like you. I just ain't wanna tell you Cause I knew you a wanna be with me. I ont wanna hurt you ma.  But I know that's what ima end up doing.  I ont wanna be witchu Cause they want me to,  I wanna be witchu for me,  well for us" he said lookin at me. And my heart dropped to the pit of stomach. "B-but you told uncle jawan you didn't l-like me" I said stuttering.  "I know. I ain't want nobody to know. I was just sittin in my room thinkin. I swear I thought so much I stressed myself out that's why I'm smokin this shit. I texted the girl I met at the mall and told her I couldn't keep talkin to her and she understood.  I told jasmine and she start tripping so I blocked shorty number. " he said and I laughed. "Wow." I said and he sighed. "Man I know. Crazy right? I guess our parents was right" he said and I looked at him. "Yeah I guess so" I said and he leaned in and kissed my lips and I melted , i been waiting for that to happen for so long. He broke the kiss and smirked at me. "Yo i been wantin to do that all day" he said and we both laughed. "Yeah. Me too" i said layin my head on his shoulder. "So what does this mean" i asked. "What do what mean?" He said. "This. Meaning US"i said . "It mean whatever you want it to mean ma." He said and i smirked. "Your mine?" I asked and he sighed. "Yeah , yeah im yours" he said laughin . I looked at him and wrapped my arms around his neck squeezing him tight. "Damn girl. You wanted me that bad?" He said in a raspy voice. I laughed and nodded. "Damn" he said rubbin his neck and muggin me. "You know tre and them are gonna bug you about this" i said and he shrugged. "I dont even care what nobody say. Its us , not them. Dont nobody opinion matter when it come to us aight? Lets muhfuckas talk" he said and i nodded and laid my head back on his shoulder . He grabbed the cover and wrapped it around us. "Man cali i always had a feelin it'll come to this. I know ima marry you. I always knew it. I know you gone be the mother of our future kids." He said to me. "Me too. When we were younger i didnt know how to like . But as we got older , like around the age 12 i knew i'd be yours one day and you'd be mine." I said. "Yo you gotta promise me this again" he said. "You gotta promise me that this aint gone ever change. You gotta promise me ima be the man you marry , the man you give yo all to" he said makin me smile. "I promise" i said and he sighed and kissed my cheek. "Damn. Im tied down now? Thats hard to believe ma , foreal. But its all worth it for you . I got you , for life. " he said. "Promise?" I asked. "I swear" he said and i smiled at him. "What time you gotta be home" he asked lookin at his phone. "1:00" I said. "Damn it's 1:30 ma. Lets go" he said and we got up and walked downstairs.  He slipped his coat back On and we headed out the door. We got in the car and he drove off. He reached over answer grabbed my hand. "It's amazing that After years of us not believing we like eachother that now In a few years we will soon be together for the rest of our lives. we grew up around eachother not having a clue this would happen,  and that we would both find a love that wasn't found wit nobody until now. I love you Cali marie combs" he said and I looked at him and smiled. "That was so sweet.  J I love you too" I said and he smiled. we arrived at my house. I kissed him and for out. "Ima call you whenever I decided to wake up" he said and I nodded. He waited for me to go inside then he left. "What the fuck? Where you was at?" My dad yelled. "I was with J Daddy" I said and he sighed. "You had us thinking somethin happened to you. Man don't do that nomore he said kissin my forehead. "Okay goodnight dad" I said. I walked upstairs and Ciara was sitting on my bed. "Soooo what happened" she asked layin back. "We're together" I said and she screamed loud as hell.  "Ciara grow up baby" my dad yelled and she smacked her lips. "Anyways that's good. But I'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight gorgeous " she said kissing my cheek and walking out. I kicked off my booties  turned off the lamp and fell right to sleep.

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