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| Elias POV |

it's my 15th birthday but i don't care, ever since my dad died birthdays been the worse days. i was walkin to lunch wit my headphones in my ear blurrin all these annoying ass people out when somebody tapped me. I turned around and it was londynn and i mugged her and kept walkin,  I like her but I don't like how weak she is,  she walks around here like she owe somebody somethin when she don't. That Shit make my skin crawl. "Stop" she said and I stopped. "What" I said and she snatched my phone and my headphones away and stared at me. "I was coming to tell you happy birthday but never mind. I will never understand Why your so mean or Why you hate me so much and I honestly don't care. You think I'm perfect but I'm not,  my life is probably more fucked up then yours. And excuse my language" she said and she handed me my phone and was about to walk away when I smacked my lips and grabbed her arm. "I um" I said lettin her arm go slowly. "I don't hate you. I just don't like the stuff you do or the way you act" I said and she sighed and looked at me. "I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be" she said and I nodded. "My fault" I said and she smirked and nodded. She grabbed my hand and I pulled back. "Don't do that" i mumbled but she grabbed it again. "Don't.  Just let me hold your hand..I won't hurt you" she said and I nodded and she held onto my hand. We walked to lunch and as we walked in we got stares from everybody and I mugged them making them look away.  We walked over and sat at the table because Kendrick and everybody else wasn't here. She smiled at me and I smirked then looked away. "know what I think?" She asked and I mugged her. "What?" I said. "I think you like me" she said and I shrugged. "I'm not gonna lie and say I don't like you just because that's what these other niggas do. I do like you ,You Just irritate me sometimes and sometimes that make my feelings for you go away" I said and she nodded. "So you have a crush on me?" She asked with a big smile  and I glared at her. "See Shit like that" I said and she stopped smilin.  "No I don't got a crush on you. Havin a crush is for little kids,  I'm 15. But I want you though" I said with a shrug. "So what's the real reason your so mean?" She asked and I bit my lip not wantin to tell her my life story because I was scared she a judge me. "Guess I was born like this just like you was born annoying" I said and she poked her lip out makin me laugh. "You askin me all these questions. But never told me if you liked me or not?" I said and she pushed her long hair out of her face. "Hmm" she said and I smacked my lips and she laughed. "I quit I quit." She said and I tilted my head and she nodded. "Yeah. I guess so" she said and I laughed. "You guess?" I asked and she nodded. "How many boyfriends have you had?" I asked and she shook her head. "None" she said and my jaw dropped.  "Liar" I said. "I swear to my mother " she said. "How many have you had?" She asked. "I dated like 2 girls back in new Orleans" I said and she nodded. "I never had a boyfriend" she said and I smirked. "I ain't date those girls for that long so that don't count. so I guess I ain't never had no girl" I said and she smirked and I smirked Back. Kendrick and everybody else came and we all just sat and talked. "Kendrick. After school I want you to walk with me somewhere" I said and he nodded. "Can I go?" Londynn asked and I looked at her and slowly nodded. Him and Sadie's kept flirtin so I never understood Why they just got together already. "Why don't y'all just date" I said and he shrugged. "Why don't y'all just date" he said referrin to me and londynn.  "I don't think he lik...." londynn started to say but I cut her off. "We do" I said and his eyes got wide. "Word?" He asked and I nodded. I looked at londynn and she smirked. The bell rang then we walked out the school building together , I wanted to go see my mom and that's a fuckin surprise but I guess I can.

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