Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in New Orleans...Early in the morning.

Hope's pov

I've just finished packing my stuff for our move to Mystic Falls as I'm going to be attending the boarding school there which is for supernatural kids. I've wanted to go there forever but it was never the right time or safe for me but now after much convincing, my dad finally caved and is allowing me to attend an actual school.

Dad was always against me going to school, fearing something would happen to me and that I didn't need anyone teaching me anything when I have my Aunt Freya and Uncle Elijah on hand to teach me magic and history but I want to learn like every other kid. I want to go to school to learn and make friends.

Anyway because I'm going to be attending the school in Mystic Falls, my family is moving there with me and they are apparently going to be living in their old mansion back there while I'll be staying in a dorm at the school.

I'm excited to be going to Mystic Falls however my Uncle Kol doesn't appear to be too happy. He's not exactly angry by any means, more along the lines of sad. I sense a sad aurora around him. 

When he found out we were all moving to Mystic Falls, he smashed the bourbon glass he was holding and stormed off. I don't know why but whenever the topic of Mystic Falls comes up, he always acts weird and sad almost. It's like Mystic Falls is a trigger word for him that makes him flip.

"Hope are you ready?" Aunt Freya asks from the doorway which she's leaned against "yes" I respond zipping up my suitcase before picking it up. "Okay, let's go. Your father said we need to make our way to the airport as the private jet is ready" she explains making me nod "okay" I respond as I follow her out my room and head downstairs where my father is waiting with my aunt Rebekah and my uncles.

"Alright let's go to the airport" Klaus said walking over to me and taking my suitcase from me "yeah, let's go" Uncle Kol replies sarcastically before walking out the door and we all exchange looks before heading out after him to the limo that's waiting outside. 

I scoff and look at my dad "really dad? A limo?" I ask raising an eyebrow "what? We're Mikaelson's, we arrive in style" my dad responds making me roll my eyes as we get into the limo after putting our luggage in the trunk. 

Once we're all in the limo, we pull away from the compound and are soon driving away. I look back at the compound that was once my home but now I'm going to a new home with my family. Where we'll make new memories and I will hopefully make some new friends at school. I just hope people will like me.

End of chapter

I know this chapter was short but I just wanted to show the Mikaelson's leaving for Mystic Falls. What will happen when they arrive in Mystic Falls?

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