Chapter 21

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Hope's pov

I arrive home with Rebekah, I couldn't manage to get my hands on anything belonging to the triplets as it required me going to their dorms and my aunt Rebekah was waiting outside the school for me. So I couldn't exactly keep her waiting as she can get a bit impatient.

I walk into the house and I'm instantly bombarded by everyone except for uncle Kol who is just sat on the couch, sipping on bourbon. The one thing I appreciate about uncle Kol is he doesn't bombard me and he's not overbearing like my father, uncle Elijah and my aunts are.

"How was school?" uncle Elijah asks "did you learn any new spells?" aunt Freya asks "did you have any trouble? Did you talk to any boys?" my father asks as they crowd round me "okay could you just like back up a little, you're stepping into my personal space" I say making them step back.

"Sorry, we just want to know if everything was okay at school" my father says "I know and school was fine well apart from this girl who was really rude to me" I respond "who's the girl? I'll teach her a lesson to not disrespect my daughter" my father growls making me roll my eyes.

"Dad it's fine, she wasn't much of a problem. She shut up when Harmony showed up, she practically peed herself when Keira showed up, she walked away after that" I respond "I see, they defended you?" he asks "well more like they were getting the girl to back off, they didn't like the girl apparently she made the mistake of wronging them" I respond making them nod.

"So did you have a magic class today?" aunt Freya asks "I did, Bonnie Bennett taught the class as a substitute" I respond "why is she a substitute?" she asks "because the last magic teacher had an accident and so the school are currently looking for a new magic teacher" I explain "what did you learn in that class?" she asks curiously "well we started the class with a warm up where we had to make a feather levitate and then we started looking at simple spells as a follow up from that warm up and then we started learning about projection spells, we learned there are multiple projection spells which most are difficult to do" I explain "I could very easily teach you all that" she says making me roll my eyes.

"I know but it's nice to learn from others too plus you're more specialised in black magic or more dangerous spells which is banned at the school unless there's an attack" I respond as I walk past her and walk over to the couch and I sit down next to uncle Kol.

"Hi uncle Kol" I say as I place my head on his shoulder "hello, my favourite niece" he responds "I'm your only niece" I respond making him shrug "how was school really?" he asks "it was good apart from the rude girl but she didn't spoil my day. It was fun being around other kids who are a little like me" I respond causing my father to scoff. 

"Problem Nik?" uncle Kol asks "no it's just there is none like you at that school, you're the only tribrid there" he boasts making me roll my eyes. "Technically dad I'm a hybrid because I haven't died and become a vampire yet" I respond "still there is none else like you" he retorts making me sigh. 

"Aunt Freya could I have a private word with you?" I ask looking to her "of course" she responds so I stand up and we head towards the stairs "alone dad" I say seeing my dad going to follow us from the corner of my eye. I hear uncle Kol snicker "shut up Kol" my dad grumbles as we head up the stairs.

I follow aunt Freya into her study and she shuts the door behind us before setting off some sage to sound proof the room. "Now what is you wish to talk to me about?" she asks turning to face me "I was wondering if it's possible for a vampire to have children" I say making her frown. "You know this Hope, vampires can't procreate. Your dad could because he's part werewolf" she responds making me sigh.

"Well what if a vampire slept with a siphoner witch?" I ask making her frown "I don't know, I guess it would be the same, why do you ask Hope?" she asks "because I overheard a conversation with the triplets and I believe they maybe uncle Kol's children" I say making her eyes widen.

"You what?" she asks "I know it sounds crazy but look at the facts, Kol dated Davina 16 years ago and the triplets are 16, Ethan looks just like him and Keira has the Mikaelson temper and I heard them talk about me and how their father broke their mothers heart and left, how he cared for me and protected me and not them. It also explains why Keira keeps glaring at me and why she hates us" I explain making her frown as she walks over to the table and looks at the map laid across it.

"That explains it" she mumbles "explains what?" I ask making her sigh as she looks over at me "come here, I want to show you something" she says gesturing for me to come over to her so I do.

"Earlier today I did a spell that tracked the whereabouts of all our family members, those who share our blood and instead of just six dots appearing, there were 9 dots three extra dots" she explains pointing to the map where there are 9 dots.

"At first I thought they could've been Mikael, Esther and Dahlia but clearly not" she says "you think the three extra dots are the triplets?" I ask "this spell is full proof and only tracks those who share our blood so yes I think they are the triplets" she responds "what do we do? We have to tell Uncle Kol and the others" I say making her shake her head. "Not yet, Kol won't believe it unless we have proof" she responds "isn't the map enough or what I know?" I ask "no, I'm gonna need to conduct a dna spell so I need you to get your hands on something that belongs to the triplets like a strand of hair or something" she responds making me nod.

"Okay, I can do that. I can head back to the school and pretend I forgot something but I'll actually go and get something of the triplets" I respond "you do that but be careful, we don't want anyone knowing we're onto them so do it discretely" she says "I will aunt Freya" I respond before leaving the room.

End of chapter.

Freya and Hope are onto the triplets, well they already roughly know. Hope is out to get something of the triplets so Freya can perform a dna spell to show proof to Kol. What will happen next?

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