Chapter 54

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Keira's pov

I reach the Mikaelson house and raise my hand to knock however I hesitate before knocking gently just twice before stepping back and looking down at my shoes finding them to be so interesting all of a sudden.

The door creeks open and I look up seeing Aunt Rebekah there "hey love what can I do for you?" she asks with a smile "um is my dad here?" I ask "of course, he's upstairs I'll call him down for you" she says letting me enter as she steps aside.

"Kol someone's here to see you!" Aunt Rebekah yells "I'll be down in a minute!" dad yells back and Aunt Rebekah turns back to me with a smile "he'll be right down. Can I get you anything?" he asks "do you have lemonade? It's my favourite" I ask "no sorry" she replies "it's okay" I respond "I'll go to the store and get you some" she offers making me shake my head.

"No it's fine, I don't want you to go through all that trouble just to get me a drink" I respond "oh hush love you want lemonade, I'll get you lemonade" she says with a smile before turning to leave but stops as she looks back at me and frowns.

"Keira are you alright? You look sad" she says "I'm fine, I just really want to see my dad" I respond making her smile and nod "alright, I won't be long" she says before vamp speeding away leaving me alone so I head into the living room and sit down.

I hear a whoosh "Keira?" my dad says making me look to see him standing in the doorway "dad" I say getting up and walking over to him, throwing my arms around his waist as I hug him. "Are you alright?" he asks placing a hand on my back "yeah, I just really wanted to see you" I respond as I pull back and look at him.

He smiles "well I'm glad to see you, what's up?" he asks "can I ask you something?" I ask as we sit down on the couch "of course" he replies folding his arms across his chest "do you love Hope more than me and my siblings?" I ask and he frowns "why would you ask something like that?" he asks "I'm just wondering you know. I know you were there for her, you watched her grow up and I know you love her and I can't help but think you may love her more than us, that maybe she's like the daughter you always wanted" I say and he looks hurt and concerned at my words.

"Keira you're my daughter as is Harmony and Ethan is my son, I love all three of you. Yes I may have watched Hope grow up and was there for her and I do love her, she's my niece but she's not my kid. I have three wonderful kids that I wouldn't trade for anything not even Hope. You have to know that I would do anything for you and your siblings and your mother" he says looking at me as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"You wanna know something?" he asks making me nod "if I could trade anything for the world it would be to be with you, your siblings and your mother raising you and watching you grow than be in New Orleans with my siblings protecting Hope. I would have rather been with my kids and the love of my life over my siblings and Hope no matter how much I care for her, a father would drop anything to be with his kids" he says and I start crying making him frown as he wraps his arms around me and starts stroking my hair and hushing me.

"Hey, hey it's okay" he hushes gently rocking me back and forth "I'm sorry, I was just in this group chat and this bitch popped up and started saying stuff" I explain as I pull back wiping tears from my face "what was she saying?" he asks curiously "that you love Hope more than me and my siblings and that you are likely to leave us for her" I explain and he suddenly looks very angry.

"Okay first of all that bitch knows nothing so just ignore her because none of that is true. I love you and your siblings and as much as I love Hope, you three are my kids. I would never leave you three for her, I spent 16 years ensuring her safety and happiness but now my focus is on my kids and ensuring they are happy and safe, nothing matters more to me than you three and your mother" he says making me smile.

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