Chapter 61

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The next day

Kol's pov

I wake up with a banging headache and bright light pouring into the room "oh bloody hell" I curse rolling onto my stomach as I bring a hand to my forehead as the banging in my head continues "Elijah close the bloody blinds" I say not even looking up "I think you ought to check your surroundings" Davina's voice speaks up making my eyes snap open in shock and surprise and I roll off the couch when I attempted to roll onto my back and I grunt as I face plant the floor.

I can tell without even looking that she wants to laugh but is probably refraining from doing so "don't laugh at my predicament" I mumble with my face pressed against the floor "I'm not laughing" she says "yes but I know you want too, I can hear it in your voice" I respond and she lets out a small giggle "well you brought it upon yourself when you decided to get drunk" she says before I feel her kneeling above me as her hands clasp around my bicep before she pulls me up.

"Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid?" I ask as I sit on the couch "define stupid" she says with her arms folded across her chest as she stands before me "did I hurt anyone?" I ask and she shakes her head "no, you didn't" she replied "but I did something stupid didn't I? I just know it, I always end up doing up something stupid when I'm drunk" I say shaking my head "it doesn't matter now right now but I do need to know what exactly led to you getting like that anyway?" she asks as she sits beside me handing me a cup of coffee which I didn't even see her bring in with her.

"I had a fight with my brother Klaus" I say with a sigh "you did mention something about that last night" she says "he just got on my last nerve, pushing me as per usual but this time I just flipped and we had a fight, a physical fight which I totally won by the way but then I stormed out and told him I would not be returning to that house until he apologized because I just can't be doing with him right now" I explain "okay and then what happened?" she asks "I went to the bar, I only intended to have at least two drinks to just relieve myself and calm down but then...." I say but trail off as I look down.

"Then what?" Davina asks making me look at her "it doesn't matter" I say shaking my head "yes it does because it clearly made an impact on you and made you want to drink more" she replied "I don't want to cause a fuss or anything" I say "Kol you can tell me, I just want to know how you got in the position you did last night, it wasn't a sight I was happy to see you in. You came banging at my door at night, my son could've been in bed sleeping but luckily he wasn't so I ought to know" she says making me sigh.

"I bumped into Bonnie, we exchanged words there was mention of the kids and you, basically she wants me to leave you be but I told her I'm not gonna do that" I say making her frown "and that pissed you off?" she asks "yes but it also upset me because she's the third person after Elena and Damon to tell me to leave you be and I'm sick of people trying to tell me what to do but I get she only said it in good faith because she cares for you and not because she hates me" I say and she sighs "my friends are just looking out for me and while I appreciate it, I can take care of myself and make decisions for myself. If I want you to leave me be, I'd tell you but I don't so don't pay any attention to what any of my friends say" she replies making me feel relieved.

"Really? You don't want me to leave you be?" I ask "no, of course not. You're the father of my kids, we have to maintain a relationship for them and preferably a healthy one and not one where we're trying to avoid one another because that doesn't set a good example for the kids" she replies making me saddened "but what about us?" I ask trying to take her hand but she pulls it back "no" she says making me frown "why?" I ask "I-I just can't. I can't do this, not again because it hurt too much when you left and I don't want to get burned again" she says motioning between us and I see the pain in her eyes as she tears up before gets up and runs off making my heart sink.

End of chapter

I know it was a quick one but I hope you liked it. 

Kol and Davina had a discussion about how he came to get drunk the night before. Davina advised him to not pay attention what her friends say and Davina doesn't want him to leave her be claiming they must maintain a healthy relationship for their children. A sad moment with Kol and Davina at the end. Davina's not ready to go there as she's afraid of getting burned. What will happen next?

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