Chapter 2

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Merry Christmas everyone, here's a little Christmas treat for you, I hope you like it xx

Present day...

September 2nd 2028....

Davina's pov

The summer had come to an end and school is due to start again tomorrow. Most students arrived back yesterday to get settled in but the rest arrived today.

The school have a few new students joining this year. Two boys, one is a recently turned werewolf named Rafael and his adopted brother Landon who is a phoenix. Yes you heard right a phoenix, it took awhile to find out what he was but now we know so we can help him the best we can and give him a good education here.

Landon originally showed up six months ago but he's only just starting officially as a student.

We also have a few younger kids who started. Two are kindergarten age and are both witches and the other is an untapped werewolf who was left abandoned with no family. He is a sweet lad and is only 8 years old. Bonnie has become his guardian as she has a soft spot for him.

"Hey Davina" Caroline says as she walks over to me "hey Care, did you have a good summer?" I ask "it was amazing, I took the girls to paris and they loved it. How was your summer? Any trouble?" she asks as we head to our office which we share.

"It was really good, I took the kids to Denmark and Costa Rica and they all loved it. Ethan went surf boarding and we went swimming with dolphins" I respond "aww did you take any pictures?" she asks "of course I did" I respond "you must show me them later" she replies making me nod as we enter our office.

Nine years ago me and Caroline opened the Salvatore boarding school for the gifted as we wanted our children to have an education and mix in with other children just like them.

I look at Caroline as she stares blankly at her phone. "What's wrong Care?" I ask concerned as she's suddenly gone pale in the face. "I forgot to tell you" she said biting her lip as she looks at me.

"Forgot to tell me what?" I ask curiously "at the beginning of Summer, I had this email from a parent who wanted to enrol their daughter in the school this Fall so of course I said that was fine" she explains making me frown.

"Okay, go on" I say knowing there's more "there was a contact number so I called the number and it was Klaus who answered. He wants to enrol his daughter Hope into the school" she explains making me suck in a breath.

"Okay well that's no problem. We opened this school especially for kids like Hope and we can't turn her away" I respond making her nod. "Klaus is the one who gave us that generous donation" she explains making my eyes widen as at the beginning of Summer, we received a huge donation from a mysterious benefactor but we weren't sure who sent it until now.

"I see, when does Hope start?" I ask so I can prepare "she'll be starting the day after tomorrow according to the text Klaus just sent me" she explains gesturing to her phone.

"Okay" I respond "they also want to come for a private tour of the school" she says making me freeze. "They?" I ask "yeah, they all want to come see the school when they bring Hope to officially enrol her" she says making me gulp.

"That means he'll be with them. He's coming back" I respond in a shaky breath. I am not prepared to see Kol even if it has been 16 years since I last saw him.

Caroline rushes over to me as I begin to panic "how am I going to tell the triplets their fathers coming here?" I ask my kids of course know who their father is as I was honest with them but I couldn't tell them how things ended so Damon ended up telling them he was a bad man who broke my heart which I wasn't happy about.

Yeah Kol did break my heart and he did some bad things but he had a good side too. He was loving and gentle with me but then again maybe that was all just a trick to fool me.

Caroline grabs me by the shoulders, turning me to face her "it's gonna be okay, think nice, happy thoughts Davina don't let him coming back get you down" she says making me calm down.

"You're right. I'm stronger than this and I have to be professional" I say fixing myself. "That's the Davina I know and love now let's go get our children. We're supposed to have lunch together" Caroline says linking her arm through mine as we leave the office.

"Okay, I just have to get Gabriel from Shawn first" I say so we make our way to the football field where Shawn will be as he's the gym teacher.

With Ethan and Skylar...

Ethan's pov

I was in my dorm room on my bed cuddling my girlfriend Skylar when I looked at my watch and my eyes widen "oh shit!" I curse startling Skylar "Ethan what's wrong?" she asks sitting up "I'm suppose to meet my mom, sisters, aunt Caroline and the twins as we're having lunch together" I explain getting up "sorry I distracted you" Skylar apologizes making me smile as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "It's alright babe" I assure her before leaving my room and running to meet my family, aunt Caroline and the twins.

"There you are" Keira says as I approach them, her arms folded across her chest as she scowls at me "aw sis don't scowl, it'll give you frown lines" I tease making her fake a laugh as she gives me the bird. "Alright you two don't start, let's go" mom says walking over with Gabriel in her arms. 

"Alright where are we going for lunch?" Harmony asks linking arms with Lizzie and Josie "the grill" Aunt Caroline answers making us all groan. "Not the grill mom. We go to the grill all the time, it's kind of boring" Lizzie complains  "yeah, we're fed up of the grill. Can we not eat somewhere new for a change?" Keira asks causing my mom and aunt Caroline to look at each other before they burst out laughing making us all frown.

"We were just kidding, we're not going to the grill we're going to my brand new restaurant that just opened up in town" mom speaks up making us all look at each other "yes!" we cheer making them laugh. My mom recently opened up a fancy restaurant here in Mystic Falls that serves French, Spanish and Italian dishes. She has another restaurant just like it in New York which she gets a shit ton of money from because it's very popular and celebrities tend to go there. Plus mom makes her own wine which she sells for extra profit, which goes into the school fund.

"Well let's go then" Harmony said clapping her hands, excited to eat at mom's new restaurant. We've been to her restaurant in New York and the food was amazing so I have no doubt the food will be amazing at this restaurant.

We all leave the school grounds and head into town to mom's restaurant to have lunch together. It's a tradition for us all to have lunch together on the day before going back to school.

End of chapter

What did you think? The Mikaelson's are coming for a tour round the school with Hope. Davina owns two restaurant outside of running a school and even makes and sells her own wine. What will happen next?

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