Chapter 32

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Davina's pov

I was in my office doing some paper work when the door opens and in walks Shawn "Shawn you're back from your trip" I say getting up from my desk "yeah" he replies "how'd it go? Did you find anything hopeful?" I ask as he had been out of town the last two days as he left to investigate a supposed lead to stopping the merge between Lizzie and Josie. "It was a dead end" he replies as he slumps down in the chair running a hand through his hair and I just give him a small smile. He's really trying to find a solution to the merge as he doesn't want to see his nieces go through the thing that tore apart his family nor does he want to lose one of his nieces so he's being really helpful to Caroline.

"You'll find something soon, I know there has to be a solution somewhere out there" I say and he just gives me a small smile "I know it's just the matter of finding it in time" he replies as he kicks his feet up on the desk so I grab a magazine and roll it up before smacking his leg to get him to remove his feet making him smirk as he slowly removes his feet off my desk.

"How's Gabriel?" he asks "he's being a stubborn little monkey today" I say making him chuckle "what did our son do?" he asks "he refused to get out of bed this morning, refused to get dressed and had me literally chasing him around the house, he refused to eat his breakfast this morning and just this morning he had a mini meltdown when I dropped him off at pre-school" I explain making him laugh and I just scowl. "It's not funny, I was the last to get dressed this morning" I say making him snicker and shrug "he probably just needs his daddy" he replies "yeah well you're on Gabriel duty tonight while I go out for some me time with Caroline, Elena and Bonnie" I say "alright" he replies before getting to his feet and heading for the door. "Later Shawn" I say giving him a wave before I shut the door behind him and return to my unfinished paperwork.


Later that is finished

Harmony's pov

I'm in my dorm and I've just had a shower as I had PE last lesson so I was a bit stinky from sweating so I showered when I got to my dorm. Anyway I've dried my hair and I've gotten changed into a simple lilac sweater and leggings since I'm only meeting with my dad and I don't really need to over dress or anything to impress my dad, that would be just weird.

I'm just currently brushing my hair and pulling it into a ponytail when Keira enters and plonks herself down on the bed "boys suck" she says making me frown as I look over at her. "What happened?" I ask getting up from my vanity desk and walking over to her. "Harlow failed to inform me that he's been paired up with the she devil for a school project and he knows very well that she has the hots for him and despises me" she explains "okay which she devil are we talking about because there are a few at the school?" I ask and she scoffs. "Who do you think? Cindy the bitch" she hisses making me sigh as I wrap my arm around her.

"Harlow didn't tell me about being paired up with her and you wanna know how I found out? From the bitch herself, she came gloating to me on how she's paired with my boyfriend and how she's gonna seduce him and steal him from me" she says "Keira you know he won't fall for any of her tricks, he loves you and would never do anything to betray your trust" I say "I know it's just why didn't he tell me? I wouldn't have been so mad if he had been honest and told me" she says looking down at her lap, fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist that Harlow got her last Christmas.

"He probably wanted too, he was probably just unsure how to tell you knowing how you feel about Cindy" I say "go talk to him, listen to him because you'll only beat yourself up if you don't make up over some silly bitch" I advise making her smile "you're right, I'm gonna go talk to him and apologise for blowing up on him" she says moving my arm off her and getting up off the bed. "Good luck" I say as we hug "thank you" she replies before pulling away and leaving my room, I shut the door behind her and go to put my shoes on and finish getting myself ready.

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