Chapter 81

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Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

The afterparty had started, there were kids from the school everywhere in the house talking, laughing, dancing and just having a good time. My daughters were talking with Lizzie, Josie and Skylar. Ethan was still getting ready as he wanted to take a shower and make himself look good for the party.

I spot Shawn in the yard watching the kids stood out on the yard. I don't know where Davina is though, she went off somewhere with my sister. 

Suddenly Hope walks in and looks around before walking over to Landon and I watch them as she smiles, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she shyly looks down. I walk over "Hope" I state making her turn to me and her eyes widen as Landon moves away "uncle Kol" she says nodding her head "does your father know you're here?" I ask "yes, he does. He said I could come for an hour" she replied making me nod.

"Where is he along with Freya and Elijah?" I ask "they're back at home. You know they came to the game and watched" she informs making me raise an eyebrow "did they now?" I ask making her nod "they were really impressed with Ethan though they were mad that he got hurt" she explains "no one was happy about that" I respond "why don't you go talk to your cousins or some friends?" I suggest "they look busy" she replies looking over at Keira and Harmony.

"They're talking with friends, go join them" I suggest making her sigh "I still don't think Keira and Lizzie like me very much" she states fiddling with the sleeves of her top "Hope, come over here!" Harmony suddenly calls out waving her over.

"See, Harmony's calling for you. Go, go have fun" I urge her gently nudging her with my elbow making her nod before making her way over. I smile as Harmony gives her a hug and Keira gives her a small smile and a nod. Lizzie doesn't look too happy but doesn't say anything.

Everyone suddenly starts clapping as Ethan makes his way down the stairs and he gasps, dramatically holding a hand to his chest "your man has arrived, thank you for the warm welcome" he states with a bow earning a few chuckles "don't be a dork!" Keira shouts as she throws a plastic cub at him making him scowl as it bounces off his head.

"Don't be a sore loser, Keira" he shots back causing her to flip her middle finger back at him and he just chuckles as he continues making his way down the stairs before being engulfed in a massive hug by his team mates.

My attention is diverted as the door opens and Davina and my sister walk in so I walk over to them "where did you two disappear too?" I ask making them look at each other "making sure those nasty kids never try any stunt like that again" Rebekah replies making me raise an eyebrow.

"What did you do?" I ask curiously "we gave them a bit of a scare and I had a little talk with their parents. One of which I nearly punched because of how stuck up and arrogant they were but I got the message across. I also got one of the kids cars towed because it was parked on private property" Davina explains "and if the kids continue, we will do worse. We threatened to make them disappear and Davina made one of them wet themselves" Rebekah adds with a smirk.

"Well, get you two scaring people and nearly getting into fights" I tease "well that's what happens when you mess with one of my kids" Davina retorts holding her head up before walking away and I just stare at her ass, biting my lip "oh for godsake quit staring at her arse!" Rebekah snaps smacking me on the back of the head "I can't help it" I defend making her scoff "clearly not" she retorts before walking away.

I search for my kids and find smile just having a good time talking and dancing. Hope and Harmony are dancing with Josie and Devon, the boy that Harmony studied with one time. I narrow my eyes as I catch Keira in the arms of a boy being very handsy with her.

"Oh hell no" I mutter before making my way over "oi you!" I shout as I point at them "oh shit" Keira curses as I continue making my way towards them before I'm suddenly spun around and come face to face with Davina.

"Hey, let's dance" she says grabbing my hands and pulling me along with her "okay" I say obediently momentarily forgetting about the boy getting handsy with our daughter. 

She stops and turns to me and I look back over at Keira and see she's disappeared along with that boy "where'd they go?" I ask looking around before Davina brings a hand up to my face and makes me look at her.

"Relax, Kol" she states as we sway on the spot "who's that boy with our daughter?" I ask curiously "her boyfriend and he's a really nice boy, he wouldn't hurt her so relax and have fun" she urges before twirling around in front of me and grabbing my hands, making me dance along with her.

"He's a boy, Davina" I point out making her smile and shake her head "yes, a boy who adores our daughter" she replies "she's too young for a boyfriend" I state shaking my head making her stop and raise an eyebrow. "Was I too young for a boyfriend when I dated you?" she questions making me pause "you were 17, not 16" I respond "I was still young, Kol. She's a teenager and teenagers are going to date" she states "yes and you know what teenagers have a lot of?" I ask making her sigh "sex, they have sex Davina. My little girl can't be having sex, none of my girls can be having sex, they are to stay pure until they marry which would be a long time away because they aren't getting married until I'm bloody dead and I can't die" I ramble making her giggle.

"Kol, they're not little kids. Dating and having sex is apart of growing up and becoming an adult. Yes they're still young, yes they may have sex, yes they will go through break ups, yes they may get married and yes they may make many mistakes along the way but it's all part of life and we as parents have to accept it. We want what is best for our children we want them to experience all that life has to offer, we want them to be happy" Davina states in a sincere tone.

"Fine, they can marry when they're 40" I say making her giggle and shake her head "I want to meet him, I want to know the boy my daughters dating. I've met Ethan's girlfriend and I've met that new boy who seems to hang around Harmony and wants to get more than a little friendly with her" I state making her smile and shake her head.

"We will arrange something for you to meet Harlow" she states making me frown "that's his name?" I ask making her sigh "it's his middle name but he prefers to go by the name than his first name" she explains making me nod before I lift up my arm and twirl her around making her smile.

End of chapter

What did you think? I know it's short but I'm trying to get back into writing this story. Davina and Rebekah apparently went and gave the bully kids from the other school a fright and had a talk with their parents. Kol saw Keira and Harlow together and was gunning for them until Davina pulled him back and talked to him. Kol was being a typical protective dad. What will happen Kol meets Harlow? What will happen next?

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