Chapter 52

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Continues from previous chapter.....

Later that day...

Kol's pov

After spending most of the day with Keira, I'm now taking her back home since it's getting a bit late. Time just flew by today as I enjoyed spending time with my daughter, she's definitely warming up to me and it was nice to have an honest heart to heart chat with her and be able to bond with her and after today I've realized just how much she takes after me. I already knew she was a little like me but I just didn't know how much,

We walk through the front door of her house and Davina walks out from the kitchen folding her arms across her chest "shit mom I'm so sorry I'm late we got caught up" Keira apologizes and Davina just smiles and shakes her head "it's fine sweetie, I'm not mad" she replies making Keira sigh in relief.

"Did you two have a good time?" she asks looking between us "yeah, we did" Keira replies glancing at me and I smile at her just as Harmony comes down the stairs.

"Oh hi dad" she says with a smile as she approaches me and gives me a hug "hey love" I say as I return the hug before releasing her "what brings you here?" she asks "I was just bringing your sister home" I explain making her nod. "Well if you're not in a hurry or anything mom's just been finishing off dinner if you would like to stay and have dinner with us?" she asks "yes have dinner with us dad" Keira says standing next to her sister and they both give me hopeful looks.

I look at Davina "I have more than enough food for another person if you wish to stay for dinner" she says "I'd love to stay for dinner" I respond and she nods "very well, make yourself comfortable and I'll call you to the dinning room when the foods brought out" she instructs making me nod "okay" I respond "girls would you two help me bring the food to the dining room?" she asks looking at them "sure mom" Keira replies and the two follow her to the kitchen while I head to the living room and sit myself down.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket so I pull it out and see Klaus is calling me so I reject the call and turn my phone off as I don't want to be interrupted as I have dinner with Davina and our daughters. I wonder where Ethan is?

I get up and head to the kitchen instantly smelling whatever Davina's made and it smells really good as her cooking always does. I pop my head in the kitchen seeing Davina plating something out "hey" I say making her jump "sorry love" I say "no it's fine, I just didn't hear you approaching" she replies with a sigh as she wipes her hands on her sides.

"Do you need something?" she asks looking at me "no, I was just wondering where Ethan was?" I ask "oh he's out with some friends but he should be home soon" she replies making me nod "do you need a hand with anything?" I ask as Keira and Harmony walk back in.

"Dad go sit your butt down, we've got this" Keira says making me chuckle as she walks past me with Harmony carrying bits out to the dining room "you might as well go and get yourself seated seeing as everything's pretty much on the table now" Davina suggests "alright" I respond before walking out the kitchen and heading to the dining room.

Keira and Harmony are shifting stuff around on the table when Gabriel runs in "sissys!" he squeals making them giggle "there you are little scamp" Keira says as she bends down and picks him up just as Shawn walks in "hey girls" he says "hey Shawn" they respond "where's your mom?" he asks "in the kitchen" Harmony replies and he nods as he walks past, heading to the kitchen and I just follow him with my eyes before listening with my ears as I hear them talk "hey Dav" Shawn greets "oh hey Shawn, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't gonna be back until tomorrow. Is everything alright?" Davina asks and I can hear the concern in her voice "there was some majoir accident which caused the road to be blocked off so I ended up having to cancel the whole thing and turn around and come back" Shawn replies "oh dear, that's not good" Davina replies as I hear her move around.

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