Chapter 45

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Harmony's pov

I arrive at my dad's house and knock on the door before taking a step back as I hear someone approaching. The door opens and I frown slightly seeing it's not my dad but Uncle Klaus, not that it's a problem but I haven't really spoken to him and I don't know, I just feel awkward. None of the Mikaelson's aside from my dad or Hope have really tried to properly speak to me and my siblings.

"Harmony what a pleasant surprise" Uncle Klaus says as he leans against the door "hi is my dad here?" I ask trying to look past him before there's a whoosh and my dad is suddenly stood behind him. "I'm here love, Nik you can bugger off now" dad says and Uncle Klaus rolls his eyes before vamp speeding away.

"You ready?" I ask as we were suppose to be having a father and daughter day, to have some bonding time "of course, let's go" he replies holding up his car keys and he steps out the house and shuts the door behind him before we head to his car.

We reach his car and he unlocks it and we get in. I strap myself in as he starts up the car before putting his seat belt on "so what do you want to do" he asks "we could go for milkshakes, I'm kind of craving for one right now" I respond "sure" he replies as he starts pulling away from the house and drives out onto the road.


Dad pulls up in a parking lot round the corner from the milkshake place and we get out the car and head to the milkshake place. It makes the best milkshakes in town and I just love coming here. 

We reach the place and head inside "hey Harmony" Marina the owner greets as we walk up to the counter "hi Marina" I respond "the same usual?" she asks "you know it" I respond and she smiles as she types my order into the till before looking to my dad "and what will you be having?" she asks "I'll have what she's having" he answers nodding to me "alright that will be $5.75" she says and my dad pulls some money out of his wallet and hands it to her.

"So who's this?" Marina asks gesturing to him "he's my dad" I respond and she nods before handing my dad his change. "Take a seat and your milkshakes will be brought to you" she says and me and my dad take a seat at a booth across from the counter.

"So how was school today?" dad asks "it was good" I respond "what classes did you have today?" he asks "I had English, Magic 2.0, History and PE" I respond "what are you currently being taught in magic 2.0?" he asks "we're learning about more complex spells, today we learned about a truth telling spell, you cast it on someone and they cannot lie, they can only tell the truth" I explain "that's interesting, did anyone try it?" he asks as Marina walks over with our milkshakes and sets them down on the table.

"Thanks Marina" I say as she goes to walk away before turning back to my dad and taking a sip of my milkshake "the teacher, well aunt Bonnie had two four volunteers try the spell. Two of those people would cast the spell on the other two. Ethan was one of the two who cast the spell on his partner who was Lizzie whereas the other two was Penelope and Josie which was quite awkward as they use to date and it was a messy break up anyway the demonstrations were quite entertaining" I explain as I take another sip of my milkshake.

"We also learned about a spell to make people make animal noises when they talk, now that was hilarious. Keira cast the spell on Ethan making him do monkey noises and in response he did the spell back on her once the spell was taken off him and he made her do elephant noises. Lizzie did a spell on Josie's ex Penelope and made her do pig noises. The class got pretty chaotic and it sounded like a zoo so aunt Bonnie had to stop everyone cause they were all just spelling each other" I explain through laughter as I recall the events of magic 2.0 earlier today.

Dad chuckles "it sounds like fun" he says "yeah it was" I respond "wasn't Hope in that class?" he asks "oh yeah she was, she was sat at the back laughing until someone spelled her to make her do parakeet noises. Don't tell your brother" I say and he smiles "don't worry I won't" he assures me as he sips on his milkshake.

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