Chapter 37

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Davina's pov

It's the end of the school day and I'm now heading to the Mikaelson's with Ethan and Keira because Klaus is making a fuss and Elijah and Freya are hounding my ass to get them to remove the hex they placed on Klaus.

"Do we really need to do this? I mean he deserved what he got" Ethan says from the back of the car, Keira beat him to the passenger seat. "Yes because if we don't at least discuss this Elijah and Freya will surely keep badgering me about it" I respond "we're sorry mom, they're harassing you over something we did" Keira says making me shake my head.

"No it's not your fault, you just did something because you wanted to protect me"  I respond "he had it coming mom, he came to the school yelling at you and threatening you, what did he think would happen? That we would bow down to him and kiss his feet, no chance" Ethan retorts with his arms folded across his chest.

"Just try to keep calm while we're there okay?" I say "we'll try mom" Keira replies "yeah we'll try but I swear if that asshole tries anything or says the wrong thing I swear I'll kick his ass" Ethan retorts "just to clarify, we're talking about the dog right?" Keira asks making Ethan snicker "of course" he says "I'll help" she replies before looking out the window as I sigh 'this is going to be great'I think to myself.


I pull up at the Mikaelson's and we get out the car. Keira retrieves something from the trunk and I just shake my head as she pulls out a baseball bat 'she truly is her father's daughter' I think to myself. "What? I have to be prepared if shit goes sideways" she says making me shake my head "language Keira" I say "oops sorry, I'll put a dollar in the swear jar later" she replies "why take a baseball bat when you have magic?" Ethan asks "because I like baseball bats, they make a lot of damage" Keira replies with a look of glee on her face. "Yeah so can boiling someone from the inside and ripping a daylight ring off and exposing them to sunlight" Ethan retorts "yeah but that takes so much effort like all I have to do is swing this baby at someone and boom right in the face or crotch depending on where you aim" Keira replies making me just shake my head.

The door opens before we can even knock and Rebekah stands there "hey, we heard you coming up the walk way" she says "no surprise there" I respond before holding a bag out to Keira.

"Put the bat in the bag" I say "what? Why?" she asks "just for now" I say making her sigh "fine" she grumbles taking the bag and putting it inside, it's a bag which I put a extensive expansion spell on so I can carry a lot of stuff around in the bag and it never feels heavy. It's basically like Mary Poppin's bag.

I take the bag from her and flash a smile at Rebekah as she steps aside to let us in "ah good you're here let's get seated and we can talk" Elijah says as he approaches us, Ethan and Keira take a step back as he nears us making us frown. 

"Let's talk in the living room" he says clearing his throat making me nod and I gesture Ethan and Keira to follow me as I follow after Elijah into the living room where Freya and Klaus are seated.

"Where's Harmony?" Freya asks "she's with friends" I respond "I should also be with friends right now but unfortunately I can't because we had to come here" Keira speaks up with her arms folded and a displeased look on her face as we sit down on the couch opposite Freya and Klaus.

I hear the front door open "where've you been?" Rebekah asks "I was at the bar, just needed to get out and clear my head" Kol replies before they walk into the living room. Kol stops as he sees me, Ethan and Keira "I didn't think you would actually come" he says "oh trust us we didn't want too but Freya and Elijah were pretty much harassing my mom to get her to bring us here so we can talk about that asshole" Ethan retorts with a scowl on his face as he looks at his father.

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