Chapter 76

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Continues from the previous chapter...


I head back downstairs after finishing up in my magic room.

I hear Kol moving about in the kitchen, probably making dinner. "Hey" I say as I walk into the kitchen and find him hovering at the hob.

He turns around, placing a tea towel over his right shoulder "hey, your brother left" he says making me nod "yeah, he's gone to meet the triplets at the school but he'll be coming back with them" I respond"so I take it, he'll be staying for dinner?" he questions making me nod.

"Yes he will be" I say before starting to fiddle with my hands "Kol, listen we need to talk. There's something I need to tell you" I say making him frown.

"You can tell me anything love" he says with a smile as he moves towards me. "It's about me and also about our children" I state "is everything alright?" He asks making me nod. "Yes, everything's fine. There's something you need to know about me" I say making him frown but nod.

"What else do I need to know? I already know everything about you" he states clearing his throat "you were born 7th of May, 1992. Your mother's or egg donors name is Ingrid Claire. Your father died before you were born. Your middle name is Rose. You were born a siphon witch but now you are a heretic" he states taking a slight pause before continuing.

"Your favourite flower is hibiscus, your favourite colour is blue but not the normal kind of blue, blue like the sea. Your favourite food is pasta, your favourite snack is chocolate followed by strawberries. You like jazz, pop and rock music and some of your favourite musicians/singers are Elvis Presley, Bon jovi, Queen, Bonnie Tyler, Madonna and lady gaga" he says counting with his fingers as he names them.

"Your favourite song is living on a prayer. Your favourite movie is dirty dancing followed closely by Grease. You dressed as Baby for Halloween the year before we met. By the way I've seen the pictures of that and you looked super cute" he states making me blush and my heart flutters at how much he remembers about me.

"Y-You remember all that about me?" I ask with a hand on my chest. He looks down "yeah, of course I do. I remember everything about you," he states looking up at me with such sincerity in his eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up making me bite my lip.

I just stare at him, admiring how handsome he looks. His dark brown hair swept up, his white t-shirt clinging perfectly to his body, showing his bulging biceps and muscles. His jeans hugging his long legs perfectly. His brown eyes pierce into me as he looks at me, he suddenly smirks making me realize I'm taking too long and making it obvious that I'm staring at him.

I clear my throat, shaking my head while mentally telling myself to pull myself together.

"You see the thing is Kol. A few years back I learned something about my biological father" I say making him raise an eyebrow. "What of him?" He asks "he's not really dead" I say making him frown "but you were told he was dead" he states making me nod.

"I was but it was a lie. You see my father is a very important and powerful man and he had this rule forced upon him where he could not be involved in my life" I explain "sounds like a load of bullshit" he retorts making me nod "it is but he had to abide by this rule" I say with a sigh.

"What do you know of the Greek gods?" I ask "bits and pieces. Some of the covens I ran into, looked up to them and would tell me stories about them but it's all myths though" he states making me suck in a breath.

"Actually they're not myths. The Greek gods and goddesses are real. And every now and then they come to earth and meet a mortal. They spend time with this mortal and sometimes they produce an offspring with them but before or right after the offspring is born, the god or goddess leaves" I state making him frown.

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