Chapter 23

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Continues from previous chapter.....

Kol's pov

I'm sat on my bed just looking at the baby picture of the triplets my children, mine and Davina's children. I can't believe it, I was somehow able to procreate and didn't just have one child but three and I never knew until now. Why didn't Davina tell me? Do the triplets know I'm their father? If they do what has been said about me? What were the triplets like as children?

"Freya!" I call out as I get up off my bed and exit my room "yes brother?" Freya asks as she steps out from her study. "Is it possible we can see memories of the triplets growing up? I want to know what they were like as kids?" I say and a smile appears on her face. "I can brother" she replies before disappearing back into her study so I vamp speed into the study after her, my siblings and Hope are still gathered round the table.

"You okay brother?" Nik asks "yeah, I'm fine but I want to see memories of my kids growing up" I say "which you're going to do" Freya speaks up "oh can we see some memories too? I want to see what my nieces and nephew were like as children" Rebekah says with a beaming smile on her face as she bounces on the balls of her feet, almost looking like she's about to combust from excitement.

Elijah and Klaus chuckle at her excitement "we all can" Freya responds "what do we have to do for the spell?" Hope asks with her arms folded across her chest. "I'm gonna make a circle in the room and we're all gonna stand inside the circle and hold hands, me and you will do the spell" Freya explains as she rushes around the room, grabbing salt and chalk from the shelves.

"Here's the spell we're going to do, just read it" Freya informs Hope as she hands her a grimore and points to a page before walking to the centre of the room and getting down on her knees.

She first draws a massive circle using the white chalk before going over the chalk with salt. She then draws some symbols inside the circle using the chalk "Hope bring me the candles" she says holding her hands out as Hope grabs three candles and walks over to Freya, getting on her knees next to her.

Freya takes the candles and spreads them out around the circle "Hope can you get me some Gotu Kola and some Myrica Gale?" Freya asks "yeah but what are they for?" Hope asks "Gotu Kola helps with the subconcious mind while Myrica Gale helps with dreams" I speak up knowing what the herbs do. "That is correct and the spell requires both" Freya replies as Hope goes over to the shelves and gets the herbs she needs for Freya,

Hope comes back over with the herbs and hands them to Freya who puts them in a bowl and mushes them together snapping her fingers making a small fire appear and the smell of the two herbs fill the room as she stands up and walks around, spreading the aroma around.

"Alright get in the circle" Freya instructs as she sets the bowl down on the table. We all get inside the circle and Freya joins us "hands" she says so we all join hands and Freya and Hope start chanting.

As they chant the lights in the room flicker as do the candle flames before I suddenly feel the room spinning around us "bloody hell!" Nik curses as we suddenly stand in front of a bright white hall which is quite blinding to the eye considering we were just in a darkish room.

"Okay the doors represent a memory of the triplets, me and Hope can only keep the spell going for so long so we can only see a few" Freya explains making us all nod "well Kol they're your children so lead the way" Nik says gesturing to the many rows of doors. 

I move in front of them and glance at the two doors closet to us "let's start with one close by" I suggest before walking over to one of the doors and grabbing the door handle. I look back at my siblings and Hope as they stand behind me and I turn the handle before turning the handle. We're blinded by pure whiteness but as soon as we step through the door, the whiteness disappears and I find we're in the Salvatore's boarding house, outside a room. I hear voices coming from inside so I push the door open and we all enter the room seeing Davina. "This is more of Davina's memory than anything" Freya comments as we all look at Davina.

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