Chapter 5

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The next day....

Davina's pov

I wake up at 5 am and seeing that Gabriel hasn't woken up yet, I decide to take a shower to wake me up. I do love a good shower in the morning, it gets rid of all those aches and pains in your muscles. 


Once I've had a shower, I quickly get myself dry and dry my hair before getting dressed. For today I picked out a black blazer with sleeves that end just past my elbows, a cute maroon blouse top with short sleeves, denim skinny jeans and black high heels.

(Davina's outfit)

Once I'm dressed, I head downstairs to start making coffee for me and Shawn and to also start preparing breakfast

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Once I'm dressed, I head downstairs to start making coffee for me and Shawn and to also start preparing breakfast. I know Gabriel will be awake soon enough, he usually wakes up around 6 and it is half past 5 in the morning so I have half an hour to spare so I can have a cup of coffee and wake up Shawn who I swear is super hard to wake up. He's just a lazy bum who refuses to get out of bed in the morning for a good quarter of an hour. He's like a teenager in that aspect, it's amusing yet annoying.


10 minutes later...

I tip toe my way upstairs to Shawn's room with a cup of coffee for him. I reach his bedroom and gently push the door open and find him fast asleep in bed as expected.

I walk over, placing the coffee down on the nightstand before reaching a hand out and starting to shake him "Shawn wake up" I say as I shake him but he just mumbles so I shake him harder. "Shawn wake up you lazy bum" I say grabbing the spare pillow and hitting him over the head with it.

"Go away" he mumbles swatting at my hand making me scoff "get up Shawn" I say "no, I sleepy" he mumbles like a child making me roll my eyes. "Wake up Shawn or so help me I will get the bucket" I say making him instantly snap his head up "you wouldn't?" he challenges narrowing his eyes making me smirk "oh you know I would" I respond before hitting him in the face with the pillow. "Here's your coffee now get up and get ready our son will be awake soon" I say pointing to the coffee on the table before turning around and walking out the room.

I start making my way down but stop as I catch the sound of my son calling for me "mama?" he calls out in his sleepy voice so I turn around and head back upstairs, heading to Gabriel's room. "Mama's coming baby" I say as I gently push the door open to find him sat up in bed rubbing his eyes. 

"Mama" he says with a sleepy smile, his eyes lighting up as he sees me "good morning little man" I say as I walk over and give him a morning hug and kiss before heading over to his wardrobe to pick out his clothes for today.

"You excited for preschool today?" I ask glancing over at him as I hear him shuffling around on his bed. Today Gabriel is starting preschool at the Salvatore school, yes we do pre-schooling but we only do lessons such as Maths, English, art and story time. Witches who are preschool age and have tapped into their magic have a one to one session with the teacher which is either me or Bonnie depending on the day.

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