Chapter 6

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Here's another chapter, enjoy.

No one's pov

Davina stops as she reaches Caroline and turns to face the Mikaelson's who were all looking at her in shock, awe or surprise. She flashed a smile as she looked at Hope "you must be Hope Mikaelson. I'm Davina Claire, the headmistress of Salvatore boarding school, it's a pleasure to meet you" she said extending her hand out to Hope who smiled as she held out her hand and shook Davina's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Claire" she responds "you're the headmistress?" Rebekah asks looking at her old best friend making Davina nod as she glanced at the blonde original "yes, that's right I am" she responds "me and Davina here opened the school together" Caroline spoke up wrapping an arm around Davina's shoulder who smiled.

"I really like what I've seen so far, this place looks amazing" Hope gushes making Davina smile "why thank you sweetheart, I'm glad you like it. Now come along I do believe there is more for you to see" she replied making Hope's eyes widen. "How much more?" she asks causing Davina to playfully tap her chin as if thinking about it "well there's the choir room, the theatre room, the art room and the swimming pool" she explained making Hope squeal in excitement making Davina and Caroline smile.

"There's an art room and swimming pool!" Hope exclaimed making Davina laugh softly which tugged at the heart strings of a certain wild original vampire who hadn't taken his eyes off her once since she appeared. "Oh yes sweetheart. The swimming pool is fairly new, we had it installed last year" Davina replied glancing over at Caroline who nodded. "You mentioned there being a choir room?" Elijah speaks up making Davina look at him "yes that's right. We have a choir here as we have quite a few musically gifted students" she explained making him nod "Mrs Forbes-Salvatore said there's a play on tomorrow. She gave me a program" Hope spoke up gaining Davina's attention. "Ah yes that's right" she replied "do you by any chance have any tickets left over for my family and I?" Hope asked earning a bunch of muttering protests from her family, mainly her father and Uncle Kol but Hope stamped on her father's foot while Rebekah elbowed Kol in the ribs making him grunt.

"Yes my family and I would just love to watch the show and donate to the school fund" Klaus spoke up "well I don't know if there are any tickets left over but I could always have a little look and sort something out if you really want to watch the show" Davina offered "that would be great" Rebekah spoke up with a smile as she looked at her, she had missed Davina.

"Alright well let's finish the tour and then head to my office" Davina replied turning on her heal and starting to walk away with Caroline. Hope and Freya followed after them but Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus stayed behind "you said she wouldn't be here" Kol hissed at his brother "I said I wasn't sure. Did you really expect you could avoid her forever?!" Klaus retorted before following after his daughter and older sister. Kol huffed and reluctantly followed after him with Elijah and Rebekah following him.



After Davina and Caroline had shown Hope and the Mikaelsons around the rest of the school except for the pre-school and kindergarten areas since they weren't needed to be shown, they headed to the office where they would sit and discuss Hope's official enrolment and put her on the school register.

Davina opened the door to the office and walked in with Caroline behind her. The Mikaelson's walked in and looked at all the photos that were in the room. There were three photo frames on the desk and a few more lined on the wall.

The photos on the desk were of Davina and Caroline's children. One of the photos was of Lizzie and Josie posing together on a beach in Spain, another photo was of the triplets posing together in front of the school and the third photo was of Ethan, Keira, Harmony and Gabriel posing together in a field with Harmony holding Gabriel.

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