Chapter 47

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1 week later...

Ethan's pov

I arrive at the batting cages and see my dad, I know he comes here which is why I'm here. I sort of come here and make small talk with him and then leave, I'm not exactly giving him a chance not yet, I mean I do want to give him a chance but right now I'm just testing the waters to see how things go and if I can truly trust him.

I know Harmony might but I'm a different story, I'm the oldest and the brother I have to be sure that he's not just gonna abandon us. I have too for my sisters, I don't want my sisters to get hurt if he leaves despite him telling us he won't leave us but you never know with the Mikaelson's especially when leaving is what they do best.

"Hey Ethan" dad says looking up as I arrive "sup" I said with a small nod as I step inside the batting cage he's in and shut the gate behind me "how was school?" he asks as he swings his bat and hits the oncoming ball "it was good" I respond as I step up after him and ready my bat.

"Anything interesting happen?" he asks making me shake my head "well I gave this dude a wedgie and dumped him head first in the trash at lunch today but other than that no" I respond "why'd you give the guy a wedgie and dump him in the trash?" he asks "because he started shit with me and was being creepy with my sisters and Lizzie and Josie" I explain and he nods.

"Who was the guy?" he asks "just some newbie wannabe at Mystic Falls high, they all like to think they can pick a fight with us because they are thick moronic bastards" I respond making him chuckle "that wouldn't surprise me at that school, the mortals are always so...what's the word?" he says trailing off "annoying" I say making him nod "yes annoying" he says "they are very annoying, I can't stand any of them" I say shaking my head as I hit the oncoming ball.

"The girls who were harassing and cyber bullying Harmony, they go there don't they?" he asks taking me by surprise "wait you know about that?" I ask making him nod "she told me about it and how they assaulted her" he explains "yeah they go to that school. You aren't gonna do anything to them are you?" I ask "I was tempted too but Harmony promised me not to do anything" he replies "good because mom is handling it. She's gonna make sure those bitches get sent to juvey and actually pay the consequences for what they did to Harmony" I say "I know she will" he replies as he steps up to take his turn.





A few hours later...

Kol's pov

I come to the Mystic grill to grab a drink, the sun is starting to set as evening looms. I head inside and find there aren't many people as I walk over to the bar and order myself a bourbon. As the bartender makes my drink I turn around and my eyes roam around the bar before they settle on Davina who is sat in the far corner of the bar with a glass of red wine in front of her, she's sat alone with her head down lookin at something, one ankle is crossed over the other, her long hair falls over her shoulders, cascading down her back and her lips are perfectly pursed together as her eyebrows are furrowed at whatever she's looking at.

"One bourbon" the bartender says from behind me so I turn and grab my drink giving him some money before turning around and looking back at Davina before deciding to grow some balls and go over to her.

"Hey Davina" I say nervously making her look up and her eyes widen in surprise "hello Kol" she replies "may I sit?" I ask gesturing to the empty seat across from her "of course" she replies waving me off. I pull the chair out and sit down, setting my drink down on the table "so I heard you and Ethan were at the batting cages again today" she says making me nod "yeah we were. It was fun" I respond "that's somewhat become a regular occurrence for you two" she says "yeah it has, I think I'm getting through to him" I respond and she nods "you are, he likes spending time with you at the batting cages, he doesn't say it but I'm his mom and I see it in his eyes when he tells me about his day with you" she explains making me smile.

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