Chapter 62

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Kol's pov

After sitting in silence for what felt like hours but was only minutes, I pull myself off the couch and head to the kitchen where Davina headed.

I get there and see her leaning against a counter with her back to me, I hear her pouring hot liquid into a cup in front of her.

"I'm sorry" I say and she shifts her head but doesn't turn around. "I didn't mean to make things awkward or upset you, upsetting you is the last thing I want to do" I say not taking my eyes off her.

She sighs and turns around, holding a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. She flashes a small smile "it's fine, let's just forget about it and move on" she says making me nod although in my head I'm screaming 'I can't move on from you darling' but I don't want to make her more upset.

"Okay" I say "good now I don't know if you had a plan about where you're gonna stay until Klaus apologizes" she says "not really, I was just gonna figure it out as I go" I respond "well you could stay here, I mean there is plenty of spare rooms" she suggests making me raise an eyebrow "really? Are you sure because I wouldn't want to be a disturbance to you, Shawn and Gabriel" I say "you wouldn't be a disturbance" she says shaking her head "well don't you need to discuss it with Shawn first since he lives here too?" I ask I still don't quite know what their relationship status is yet.

"Well yes but I would get the final say since this is legally my house" she replies before Shawn strolls in wearing only a pair of boxers making my eyes widen in surprise "hey Shawn would you be okay with Kol living here temporarily?" she asks casually like he isn't practically naked in front of her as he makes his way over to pour himself a cup of coffee.

He finishes pouring himself some coffee before turning and glancing at me and shrugging his shoulders "it's cool with me" he replies turning away and picking up his cup of coffee when Davina clears her throat "oh and Shawn" she says "yes" he replies glancing at her "please on some clothes preferably pants, we wear pants in this house" she says making him scoff "what are you? My mother?" he retorts making Davina cock an eyebrow as she folds her arms.

"No but do you want me to kick your ass?" she asks in that sassy tone of hers "no mam" he replies "then go put on a shirt and pants you know the rules" she replies "yes mam" he replies before walking away, stopping as he nears me "she's the boss dude, don't piss her off" he says whispering the last part before walking away.

Davina just stands there with her arms folding, shaking her head at him before muttering something under her breath which I don't catch before she lets out a sigh as she unfolds her arms "see he's fine with you staying here" she says "are you definitely sure you're okay with it?" I ask "yes Kol, I want you to stay here. It's better here than out there probably getting into trouble" she replies making me nod.

Suddenly the front door slams up startling us before we see Harmony skidding past the kitchen and Davina rushes out "Harmony?" she calls out making her stop as she reaches the stairs "hey sweetie is everything okay?" she asks sounding concerned as I come up behind her to see what's up.

"Yeah, everything's fine mom" Harmony replies letting out a breath, her hair is out of place and she looks out of breath "are you sure?" I ask "yeah, I just stopped by to get my song book for the auditions for the town talent show later today" she explains making Davina visibly calm down.

"Sweetie you could've called me and I would've brought it to school for you" Davina replies making Harmony sigh "I know but I really needed it now, I don't know what I'm gonna sing for the audition or if I should even audition in the first place" she rants starting to pace back and forth, running a hand through her hair.

"Sweetie first of all stop and take a deep breath" Davina says as she approaches her, gently placing her hands on her shoulders to make her stop pacing. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "that's it, now exhale" Davina says and Harmony exhales before opening her eyes "okay second of all, relax you can't think clearly if you're stressing out" Davina advises making her nod.

"Third of all you should audition because you are amazing and talented, you have plenty of songs to choose from that I just know are good. My advice would be to choose the song that feels right for the moment, the song that gives people a teaser of what you can do but not fully revealing what's under the surface because you wanna save that for the show" Davina says with a smile and Harmony smiles, shyly glancing down so Davina gently lifts her head up to make her look back at her.

"That's only if I get through" she says and Davina goes to speak but I speak up instead "of course you'll get through" I say making them look towards me "I saw you in the play, you were incredible and there's no way you won't get in, the judges would be insane not too put you in the show and if they don't you're far too talented for this town anyway" I say making her smile "thank you dad" she says making me smile "no problem" I respond when she suddenly frowns.

"Now I hate to be rude but dad why do you look like crap?" she asks curiously making me clear my throat as I try to come up with an answer "he had a rough night sweetie" Davina answers for me so I give her a thankful smile "oh how rough was it? You look like you slept in a dumpster" Harmony retorts "I don't look that bad" I say before glancing at Davina "do I?" I ask "your hair is kind of a mess and your clothes are a bit rugged and dirty" she replies "and you also smell a bit" Harmony adds making Davina give her a look "Harmony" she says "what?" Harmony replies looking at her and she gives her a look "I didn't mean to be rude dad but you do smell, sorry" she apologizes before heading upstairs.

"Great, wonderful impression I just made I stink and look like I slept in a dumpster" I say sarcastically "that's what happens when you get drunk" Davina retorts giving me a look "yeah, can I use your shower?" I ask "yeah, sure you know where it is" she replies making me nod before she heads back to the kitchen while I head upstairs to take a shower.

End of chapter

What did you think? Davina invited Kol to stay at hers until Klaus apologizes following their argument. Harmony's nervous about the talent show, worried she won't get in. Kol and Davina gave her some good advice. What will happen next?

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