Chapter 84

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Two acts later and I feel like ripping my ears off. The first act was a boy from Mystic high doing a comedy act but it was hardly funny and had me and Ethan nearly dozing off until Davina snapped us out of it. The second act was a girl also from Mystic high school and she sang but she wasn't that good, she wasn't terrible but she wasn't exactly amazing, she was average.

"When is Harmony supposed to be on? I'm tired of watching Mystic high kids" Keira pipes up as she sips on her lemonade "how many kids from our school are performing in the show tonight?" Shawn questions turning to Davina "four I believe, two of them include Harmony and Josie" Davina explains "the majority of the acts are kids from Mystic high. This doesn't sound right when I know this school has some of the most talented people and a lot of them signed up for the show" Ethan states making Keira nod in agreement.

"I don't trust the judges. They're going to vote unfairly, I just know it" Keira states "you don't know that, Keira" Rebekah speaks up making Keira turn to her. "I do know because look at the judging panel" Keira retorts gesturing towards the judges table.

"There won't be any unfair voting because I placed a little spell on the judges to ensure they vote fairly. I won't be having any unfairness take place in my school especially when my own daughter's in the show" Davina explains "when did you do that, mom?" Ethan questions as we all look at her. 

"Just before everyone arrived, you know I'm all about fairness in this school and that extends to any outsiders that I allow to come within these walls" she responds before we look up at the stage as Josie is announced as the third act.

Josie steps up on stage in a blue dress with her hair partially pulled back "that's my girl!" Caroline cheers clapping her hands. She came down after starting off the talent show and Dorian is in her place being the host. "Mom" Lizzie states in an embarrassed tone as she lowers her mother's hands "what? I'm just cheering on your sister" Caroline claims with a frown "do you have to be so enthusiastic about it?" Lizzie asks "of course, I do. It's what a supportive parent does and as her sister, you should too" Caroline retorts making Lizzie sigh.

Music starts playing and Josie opens her mouth and begins to sing "she has a lovely voice" Caroline comments with a hand over her chest.


Josie's act comes to an end as she finishes singing and everyone cheers and claps for her "she's a good singer" Rebekah comments after everyone stops clapping "just like me" Caroline gushes with a smile as she waves at Josie as she makes her way off the stage.

"Mama" Gabriel says as he makes grabby hands at Davina "sup, baby. You want to come to me?" She coos holding her arms out as Shawn gets up and passes him to her making a big giddy, smile spread across his face.

Davina sits Gabriel on her lap and she pulls up her bag and pulls out a small bag of cookies. "Cookie!" Gabriel exclaims grabbing a cookie from her hand as she pulls one out the bag "what do you say?" She asks with a raised eyebrow "thank you, mama" he replies with a smile as he munches on the cookie making her smile and kiss the top of his head.

Dorian reappears on the stage and announces the next contestant as some girl called Dana making Ethan, Keira and Lizzie all groan "not that bitch" Keira curses glaring up at the stage "how did she get in the show when I have more talent in my pinky than she does" Lizzie rants also glaring at the stage "probably her mom bribed her a place on the show. I know her mom's banging at least two of those judges" Ethan states and Davina gives him a look.

"Ethan" she says in a warning tone "what? It's true, Dana's mom is the village bike sleeping around with every male in power" Ethan retorts making Davina sigh "like mother like daughter" Keira utters making Lizzie snicker. "Kids, we will not be doing this tonight. I know you guys don't like Dana or her mom and I don't particularly care for the two either but tonight is supposed to be a good night, no drama, no cat fights" Davina reminds them making them sigh.

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