Chapter 33

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Later that night....

Kol's pov

I arrive home after dropping off Harmony after we spent some time together just talking and I can't contain my happiness as I step through the front door.

"Kol are you alright?" Freya asks as I enter the living room "I've never been better sister" I respond as I flop down on the sofa "what happened?" Rebekah asks "I went out to meet with Harmony and we talked" I explain as I sit forward. "What did you talk about?" Elijah asks "her mother, her siblings and school but mostly about me. Harmony's giving me a chance, she wants a relationship with me" I say with a wide grin on my face "that's great news brother" Rebekah says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah it is and she even gave me advice on how to deal with Ethan and Keira" I say "are they still not accepting you?" Freya asks "not quite but Harmony says it's because they're scared of getting close to me in case I leave again but I'm not going to do that and I'm going to prove it to them" I respond "well I'm happy that you've gotten somewhere" Rebekah replies making me smile.

"Me too, Harmony's even going to help me win Davina back when the time is right of course. I have to prove myself to Ethan and Keira and get them to trust me to prove myself to Davina that I'm still the man she knew and loved and that I care about our children and value their safety and happiness over everything else" I say "that's great now when should we expect the triplets to come to us" Nik says as he walks in the room.

"Harmony didn't say anything about that and I wouldn't expect them to welcome you all with welcome arms so soon especially you Nik considering the stunt you tried to pull the other day" I respond making him roll his eyes. "That was a misunderstanding" he defends "you threatened to harm Davina and yelled at my son referring to him as boy something which Mikael used to do" I retort with a clenched jaw.

"I just wanted them to let you be involved in their life, you have every right" he once again defends "you shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place, they are my kids Nik not yours and I have to have patience and give them time and space, I don't want to pressure my kids" I respond before getting up and heading upstairs.


Skipping a few days....Monday

Davina's pov

A new day to the start of a new week, hope it goes well but I live in Mystic Falls and I'm a mother of four children who are vampire/witch hybrids and a siphoner and I'm the headmistress of a school for the supernatural.

I get up and before I do anything I go to wake up Shawn so he can sort out Gabriel this morning as I have to be at school "get up lazy ass" I say as I whack Shawn with a pillow "nooo I don't wanna" he whines making me roll my eyes and I vamp speed away to the bathroom. I return with a bucket of cold water which I pour over him making him jump up sputtering and shaking his head "what the fuck?!" he yells while I just smile innocently. "Rise and shine sleepy head" I sing flicking droplets of water at him from the bucket and he uses his hands to block droplets from wetting his face even though his face is already wet.

"Did you seriously have to get the bucket? You know I hate that" he says making me shrug "well I tried to wake you and you refused so I had to resort to extreme measures now get your ass out of bed you said you'd prepare Gabriel for pre-school this morning" I say setting aside the bucket on the nightstand.

"You can be cruel sometimes you know that right?" he asks making me smile innocently "I don't know what you're talking about Mr Parker now chop chop you have a task to do" I say clapping my hands before turning on my heal and walking out the room.

I head back to my room and grab my things before heading into my bathroom to take a shower. I set my things aside in the bathroom before stripping until I'm nude and I turn on the shower head, I wait a few seconds for the water to heat up before getting in the shower and standing under the hot water.

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