Chapter 42

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Hey everyone here's a new chapter, I'm sorry it's taken so long I really didn't intend to take over a month to update but I kept getting sidetracked and kept redoing this chapter as I wasn't feeling it and I wanted it to be good. Anyway onto the story, I hope you like it xx

The next day.....

Location: Mystic Grill....

No one's pov

It was mid afternoon and school had ended an hour ago. Ethan and Keira were currently at the grill hanging out with Lizzie and Skylar, they were all laughing and smiling as they went over the day they had, each experiencing something different to the other.

"Hey where's Harmony and Josie?" Skylar asked suddenly "they have things to do so they won't be joining us" Keira replied she knew Harmony was with the new boy Devon, showing him around town.

"Can I ask you guys something and be perfectly honest" Lizzie said "what's up Lizzie?" Keira asked "am I undesirable?" she asked making them frown "no, why would you ask something like that?" Skylar asked "well it's just I think the new boy Devon is really cute despite being shy which I actually find rather cute and we're both siphons. I've been flirting with him all day today and he didn't react to me or flirt back" Lizzie explained with a frown.

Keira sighed "Lizzie just because a boy doesn't react to you or flirt back doesn't mean you're not desirable besides I think you're better suited with someone who isn't so shy" she said "yeah, you're probably right" Lizzie replied in agreement "don't you like MG anyway?" Skylar asked "well yeah but he's very shy around me plus he's currently following Dana the Mystic high slut around like a little puppy" Lizzie replied bitterly.

"Don't worry he'll come around to see what's really in front of him" Keira assured her "I think he's probably better off without me, I'm just some messed up chick who has mental health issues" Lizzie retorted "Lizzie just because you have mental health issues doesn't mean you're messed up so never say that" Ethan said he never liked it when those he cared about belittled themselves or looked down on themselves.

The four teens suddenly turned their heads as they heard the grill door open and Ethan and Keira huffed as they saw their father and aunt walk in.

"Oh great, look what the cat dragged in" Lizzie mused glaring at Kol she didn't like him for breaking her aunt's heart, her aunt was one of the kindest and most loyal people she knew and she always took it upon herself to help people, she cared about other people's happiness above her own which Lizzie loved and admired about her so the idea that someone would leave her baffled her so she wasn't fond of him because of that along with the fact his presence affected her best friends.

As the door shut behind the two originals, Kol looked around and he stopped as he laid eyes on his son and daughter. He turned to Rebekah and whispered something to her before walking away from her.

Ethan and Keira tensed up as Kol made his way over "Oh look here comes the man that broke our mothers heart. Wonder what he wants?" Ethan pondered and Skylar gave him a look "hey I didn't know you two were going to be here" Kol said as he approached the table "yeah why would you know? We don't talk to you" Keira retorted making him sigh.

"I know and I want to change that. Look I know you resent me for hurting your mother and not being there but I'm here now and I want a chance" Kol said making Keira snort "a chance to what? Weasel your way into our family and then leave us when your family decide they want to go elsewhere?" Keira snapped and a flash of hurt flickered in Kol's eyes.

"No, that's not it. I want to be apart of your lives, to know you. I have no intention to leave" Kol tried to assure them "we don't believe you, all you and your family do is tell lies so we know not to trust you" Ethan replied glaring at his father.

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