Chapter 72

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Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

The triplets were settled in front of the tv with Gabriel who was sat on the floor happily playing with his toys. The cat Sooty was sat beside him purring away and swishing his tail about.

I chuckle to myself as I hear the kids bickering before I hear a knock at the door making me frown since I know that won't be Davina or Shawn since they only left about half an hour ago and I don't think they'd be finished with whatever they're doing just yet.

"I got it!" Keira shouts "no I got it!" Ethan declares making me shake my head in amusement as I exit the kitchen and see them pushing and shoving each other as they fight to get to the door. Harmony calmly walks out of the living room and walks past them while whistling and walks right up to the door "no, I got it" she says in a casual tone before opening the door and she pauses as she sees all my siblings and Hope on the doorstep.

"Oh it's just them" Keira states scrunching up her nose as she glares at Klaus, Elijah and Freya "the wind must've blown them in the wrong direction because surely they're not dumb enough to come here where they are currently unwelcome except for you of course Aunt Bex!" Ethan pipes up and I couldn't help but smirk at his words. Rebekah smiles at his words.

"Brothers, sisters, Hope" I say acknowledging them as I walk up behind Harmony who steps aside "to what do I owe the pleasure of you all just showing up unannounced?" I ask holding the door "just wanted to see if everything was alright after the earthquake, you didn't respond much to our messages or even a call" Klaus explains as he barges past me and walking straight in like he owns the damn place.

My siblings walk in after him and Hope flashes me an apologetic sheepish smile, silently apologizing for her father. 

"What the hell?! You can't just barge your way in here!" Keira snaps glaring at them "we come in peace. We were concerned" Freya says smiling at Keira but she just snorts and turns her nose up at her. "We're fine thanks for the concern but now get lost and don't let the door hit you on your way out" Ethan retorts with a fake smile.

"You do realize the whole town is supposed to be on lockdown for the next 48 hours following the earthquake, right?" I question reluctantly shutting the door. Klaus scoffs at me "we do not need to abide by such rules" he insists waving me off.

"You sort of need too for safety for yourself and everyone else" Harmony speaks up "Harmony let him be, let him ignore the rules and just maybe he'll get swallowed up by the ground if there's another earthquake and then we'll no longer need to put up with the asshole" Keira pipes up and before I could blink or do anything Klaus flashes over to her and back hands her across the face, sending her to the floor. 

Harmony and Rebekah instantly rush to Keira's side while glaring at Klaus before he suddenly crumples to his knees, crying out in pain while clutching his chest "you laid a hand on my daughter! How fucking dare you!" I boom walking over and kicking him in the face. "Make it stop!" he pleads looking at Ethan who is glaring at him.

"Oh I'm not doing anything but hey you remember that hex Keira and I placed on you? Well you remember what me and Keira said would happen if you hurt or tried to hurt anyone? The hex would cause you immense pain which is why you're screaming like a little bitch right now" he explains rather calmly though there is anger laced in his voice.

"Ethan stop it right now!" Freya demands and he snorts "na, I think I'm good" Ethan replies waving her off "you all need to leave now" I demand as I lift Klaus up by the collar of his shirt and I shove him towards Freya and Elijah.

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