Chapter 10

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The next day...

Hope's pov

Today was the school play but it doesn't start until 6 and it's 4 O'clock now so me and my family are going out for dinner before we go to the school and get seated. Aunt Rebekah insists we go a little early so we get good seats and so we can see all the action better.

I'm not sure where we're going for dinner only that my father is taking us to a new restaurant here in Mystic Falls that's not long since opened and it apparently has really good reviews so he wants to try it out plus he mentioned it was a family restaurant. 

"Come on you lot, let's go. I made reservations" dad says clapping his hands as he stands at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Uncle Kol and Aunt Rebekah to come down. "We're coming" Uncle Kol says as he fixes his tie, we're all sort of dressed up in formal clothes. My dad and uncles are wearing suits so for Uncle Elijah it's just his usual everyday wear but I've never seen my dad or Uncle Kol in a suit or at least I don't recall seeing them in a suit but they look good.

My Aunt Freya is wearing a peach lace dress which stops past her knees while my Aunt Rebekah is wearing a black dress with a one shoulder strap and black high heels, the dress stops above her knees. While I'm just wearing a cream dress which has a bit of a skater skirt with a black faux leather jacket thrown over the top and I'm wearing black kitten keels.

"We all look good, it's good to see you still dress up nice Kol" Aunt Rebekah jokes flashing her infamous bitch smirk as he looks at Uncle Kol who fakes a laugh as he fixes his collar "ha ha piss off" he says making me giggle while my dad glares at him for cursing in front of me when he's said far worse but I'm not gonna say that.

"Now now let's be nice, we don't want to cause a scene tonight" Uncle Elijah says giving us his behave lecture, well the lecture is mostly aimed at Uncle Kol and Aunt Rebekah. "We know Elijah" Uncle Kol retorts waving him off as he heads outside to the cars that awaits us. We're taking two cars tonight, I'll be going in one with dad, Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol while Aunt Freya and Uncle Elijah are driving in the other car.

"Let's just go" my dad says clapping his hands before ushering us all out the front door "we're going Nik!" Aunt Rebekah snaps smacking his hand, annoyed at his ushering. She doesn't like being ushered.

We all head over to the cars minus my dad who locks up the house before making his way over to the car where I'm stood with Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol while Aunt Freya and Uncle Elijah are already in the other car.

My dad unlocks the car allowing us to get inside, I get in the front with my dad causing Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol to sit in the back seat. "I hate sitting in the back, I'm sitting in the front on the way back" Uncle Kol says as he puts his seat belt on "don't be a child Kol" my dad scolds making my uncle narrow his eyes but he doesn't say anything. 

My dad starts up the car and holds his hand out the window to motion to Aunt Freya and Uncle Elijah that he is driving in front since he's leading the way to the restaurant.



15 minutes later....

We pull up outside a rather fancy yet cozy looking restaurant "Clarity" I say as I read out the name of the restaurant as we get out the car. "Well this is definitely new because I don't remember seeing this when we were here" Aunt Rebekah says "well I did say it was new and I thought it would be a lot nicer to go here than the Mystic Grill" dad responds as we walk up to the front entrance of the restaurant.

Uncle Elijah pulls the door open and stands aside to let me and my aunts walk through. Uncle Elijah walks through next alongside my dad and Uncle Kol. I look around surprised at busy the place seems to be, well it's not packed but there are at least 40 people and they are all sat at their tables or in a booth laughing and talking away. There's quite a friendly, easy going atmosphere in here and I like it. I can even hear one of the chefs singing in the kitchen and another cheering.

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