Chapter 64

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Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I really didn't mean for it to take this long. I have just really been struggling with inspiration lately, well that and I have been super busy with work which has left me feeling drained most days. Anyway I'm trying to get back to writing this story as I know you've been so very patient with me and I don't want to just give up on it because of a little writers block. Anyway here you go

Continues from previous chapter...

Nobody's pov

Keira and Harlow were in her dorm room having a steamy make out session on her bed "ooh" Keira moaned as Harlow sucked at her neck "hmm I missed you" he said as he pulled away from her neck and lifted his head up to look at her.

"I missed you too" Keira replied with a smile on her face, her cheeks flushing pink before she sighed. "So are we going to talk about what's wrong?" she asked making him frown "what do you mean? Nothing's wrong babe" he replied making her scoff as she sat herself up making Harlow scoot back.

"That was a lie. Come on, I know you and I know when something's wrong so tell me. Did something happen on your trip with your dad?" Keira asked grabbing his hands. Harlow sighed "his idea of a father and son bonding trip was hunting down vampires and killing them. I just wanted to go fishing and paint balling but no he wanted us to hunt" Harlow explained with a huff.

"Did you tell him that's what you wanted to do?" Keira asked as she laid her head on his shoulder "of course I did but as always he didn't listen" Harlow replied before sighing "he kept saying I need to know how to kill a vampire but I don't think I do, yeah sure it's useful but I'm a werewolf so I can just bite them and I told him that but he said I couldn't always rely on that part of myself, that I needed to learn how to hunt and kill things like a Gilbert" Harlow ranted and Keira could see the frustration in his eyes.

"I don't want to hunt and kill things like a Gilbert. Again I told him this and he said it's a part of being a Gilbert so I told him I don't want to be a Gilbert" Harlow said shaking his head "I don't understand why he insists on me doing it, just because my grandpa and his ancestors did it doesn't mean I have too. I mean I'm not like other Gilberts, I'm a witch for Christ sake!" Harlow ranted before Keira pressed her lips against his in an attempt to calm him down a bit and it worked as he instantly relaxed and kissed her back.

Harlow pulled back "feel better?" Keira asked "a little" he replied with a sheepish smile and pink tinted cheeks "do you want to continue or is that all?" Keira asked making him sigh "there's a little more, I spent the rest of the trip ignoring him and now Georgia is mad at me" he said he only called his step-mother by her name when he was annoyed or hurt by her.

"Why is she mad at you?" Keira questioned "because I didn't participate in what my dad had planned and because of that it upset him so she's mad because he's upset. Well that and she also thinks I should take up hunting because one day I'm gonna be the man of the house and I will need to look out for Poppy to protect her like how my dad protected my aunt Elena" he rambled "I'm sorry, your dad and Georgia are being very crappy right now. They shouldn't be putting such pressure on you" Keira said as she rubbed his shoulder.

"They want me to come for dinner tonight and bring you with me but I don't want to go not after that trip" Harlow said "well you don't have to go if you don't want too, we can just stay here and have fun" Keira said with a sparkle in her eyes as she smirked and leaned forward. Harlow grinned before he was suddenly pinned down on the bed and Keira was straddling him before she removed her top leaving herself in just her bra and jeans.

Harlow bit his lip as he eyed her as she leaned forward, cupping his face as she pressed her lips against his and he slid his hands to her hips. Keira grabbed both of his hands and moved them to her ass "don't be afraid to get handsy, grab it I know you want too" she whispered against his lips before smirking as he squeezed her ass with both hands.


Devon was stood outside the school grounds with his hands in his pockets when two of the kids from Mystic Falls high walked over "so you're the new kid at this dumb school" the guy said Devon couldn't remember his name. Devon just looked away, avoiding eye contact he didn't want any trouble "aww it seems this one's a little shy" the girl teased "I think we may need to poke him a little to get a reaction" the guy said before poking Devon in the side and he slapped his hand away making the guy chuckle.

"Relax we're just playing around" he said making Devon snort "sorry did you say something?" he asked moving closer to him "no" Devon replied "ah so he does talk?" the girl teased while eyeing him up.

"Back off tweedle dee and tweedle dumb" Harmony spoke as she came out from the school grounds and the two scowled at her "we were just talking" the girl replied "that's bullshit you were teasing him, trying to get a rise out of him just like you do with everyone that goes to this school. So I suggest you both scram before I get my sister" Harmony warned with narrowed eyes.

"Pss we're not scared of your dumb slutty sister" the retorted and Harmony scowled "did you just call my sister a dumb slut? Because it would take one to know one Dana" Harmony spat making Dana glare at her. "Go back to your boring, sad pathetic little lives where you think you're better than everyone else but really you're not. In reality you're just sad, lonely, insecure pathetic children" Harmony stated "don't you talk to me like tha....." Dana was cut off but Harmony slapping her in the face.

"If you're gonna dish it out to people then you can damn well expect for others to do it back because not everyone will put up with your bullshit or this baboon of a guy" Harmony said and Devon was just watching this in awe as she stood up these teenagers, she wasn't really like Lizzie or her sister who would say something if someone annoyed them, she was the type to stay quiet and just let it go but right now she wasn't letting things go.

"Hey do you two wanna go for ice cream?" Ethan asked as he walked up with Skylar both of them not seeing Dana and her guy friend at first but when he did, he scowled "are you two lost? Mystic Falls high is that way or if you're looking for the clinic to get tested for herpes or whatever you might have caught from however many people you two boned then it's that way" Ethan stated with a fake smile plastered on her face as she pointed out two different directions.

The two teenagers scoffed before storming away "bye now, don't come back we don't want your herpes or your scabies!" Ethan yelled after them making Skylar and Harmony bite their lips to stop themselves from laughing as the two flipped him off.

"So do you two want to go for ice cream?" Skylar asked flipping her hair over her shoulder "yeah sure" Harmony replied after glancing at Devon who smiled and nodded. "Great, let's go" Skylar replied hooking her arm through Ethan's and Harmony turned and grabbed Devon's hand before pulling him along, Devon just looked at their linked hands and smiled to himself.

End of chapter

What did you think? I know it was short but it's something. Keira and Harlow were having some steamy time. Harlow's having a hard time with his dad. Harmony got bold and stood up to Dana. What will happen next?

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