Chapter 29

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Kol's pov

Me and Rebekah arrive home after our talk with Davina and I instantly have Klaus pinned against the wall "you lied, you threatened Davina and you spoke to my son like you were Mikael!" I snap "he was disrespectful towards me" he defends making me scoff "try because he heard you threaten his mother, of course he wasn't gonna bloody take that well!" I yell and he shoves me away from him. 

"It wouldn't have happened if you would just step your foot down, they are your kids and you are letting Davina keep them from you!" he yells "she isn't doing anything, she's giving them the choice of whether or not they want a relationship with me and after what you did today you may have just ruined any chance of me having a relationship with my children!" I yell tossing a lamp at his head. "Well we can just force them too" he retorts making me shake my head "no Nik, I want them to have a relationship with me because they want it, not because they're forced into it. I don't want to push my kids Nik and you're doing just that! You're jeopardising my chance to be a father to my kids, to know them and be in their lives!" I snap frustrated and angry that my brother doesn't seem to understand or grasp what I'm saying or what his actions are doing.

"I'm not at fault here brother! Davina kept the triplets from you for 16 years, she had all this time to tell you but she didn't instead she kept them from you!" he snaps "No! She was going to tell me, she wanted to tell me but couldn't because she had to protect the triplets from the shit and danger we were going through in New Orleans!" I yell I hear our siblings approaching yelling at us to cut it out but I'm far too angry and upset.

Klaus opens his mouth to say something but I stop him "you are the reason why I wasn't there for Davina or my kids, you made me leave her, you threatened her and if you had just let me be with her. She would've come with me, she was willing to come with me to make things work because she loved me but I couldn't have her because you wouldn't allow me, you bribed me and wore me down using always and forever against me and the promise to never dagger me again and with the threat of ending her all because I was refusing to comply and I stupidly let you get in my head!" I yell punching him in the face as my anger and emotions get the better of me.

"If I had allowed you to remain with her and bring her to New Orleans, your loyalty would've been to her and the triplets, not to me or Hope. Davina would've wanted to leave the second things tough to protect them and you would've gone with her!" he yells "yes because I wouldn't want my kids growing up in that city with all that shit going on, I would've gladly left with her because I love her and the sole purpose of keeping our kids safe!" I yell tossing him through a wall and Elijah comes up behind me restraining me but I just shrug him off as I'm too pissed off.

"I NEEDED YOU, WE NEEDED YOU. DAVINA WAS A DISTRACTION AND I WAS RIGHT TO HAVE YOU LEAVE YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR UNDYING LOVE AND LOYALTY TO HER!" he yells as Freya and Rebekah try to hold him back. "SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND BECAUSE OF YOU I WALKED AWAY FROM THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME! SHE NEEDED ME!" I yell furiously before vamp speeding up to my room, slamming the door behind me making the whole house shudder.

No one's pov

Hope had been stood from the kitchen where she had a pretty good view of everything that happened and she watched as her father shrugged off her Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya "I did the right thing" Klaus insisted looking at his siblings "Davina was pregnant just like Hayley was and she needed Kol but you made him and threatened him into leaving her" Rebekah said "I didn't know she was pregnant" Klaus defended "you still shouldn't have done what you did when you knew how much Kol loved her and you know how heartbroken Kol was following the break up" Rebekah replied as she just looked at him in disgust and walked away, shaking her head in disappointment. 

Hope came out from the kitchen and Klaus looked at her "you seriously denied my uncle of having love just because of me?" she asked looking sad that she was partially the reason her uncle had to sacrifice his happiness of being with the love of his life just because of her.

"Your mother needed protecting, she was a target simply for being pregnant with you and you were a target for being a tribrid, you were nearly sacrificed when you were born, you needed the extra protection. You are this family's Hope and we all sacrificed things for you in order for you be standing here today even if we didn't like it" Klaus replied "yeah and uncle Kol apparently sacrificed more than he should've. I don't like that you threatened to kill Davina if he didn't leave her" Hope said "I was never going to kill her, I just said it to scare him and get him to do what I want" Klaus explained and Hope just looked disappointed which he didn't like and he suddenly felt guilty, not because he had ruined his brothers love life but because he had disappointed his daughter.

"From now on I insist you leave Davina alone and you do not interfere with the triplets until they have reached out to uncle Kol. I will not ruin this for him nor will you" Hope said before heading up the stairs.

Hope reached Kol's bedroom and paused as she heard quiet manly sniffles coming from inside which made her hesitate to knock but she did anyway. "What?!" Kol snapped "it's me" Hope said in a quiet tone before the door opened and Kol poked his head out with no sign indicating that he had been crying even though he was the only one in the room.

"I'm sorry" Hope apologized making Kol frown "what are you sorry for?" he asked "I'm sorry for being born, if I hadn't my dad wouldn't have made you leave Davina and you would've been there for your kids" Hope replied and Kol sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Love you are not at fault okay? Don't ever regret your own existence as you have done so much for this family. Your father is at fault and he shouldn't use you as an excuse to justify his actions" Kol replied "I still feel bad though" Hope said "don't be, your dad is just a dick who likes to control things and that's exactly what he did. He controlled me using threats, empty promises and blackmail but don't you ever blame yourself for his actions. Your mother and Davina could've been friends with each other, things could've been easier and simpler if your dad just let me be with my love" Kol replied making Hope nod.

"You really think my mom and Davina would've been friends?" Hope asked "I do, they were in the same position being pregnant with Mikaelson offspring and all, they had that in common so I think they would've been great friends and I like to thing having that support from each other and having each other to lean on would've been nice for both of them" Kol replied "it would've been nice for mom and I would've liked to have grown up with my cousins, it would've been nice growing up with other kids my age" Hope said and Kol just gave her a sad smile.

"It would've been nice but sadly that was all squashed when I was forced to leave Davina" Kol replied "maybe we could change things" Hope suggested making Kol raise an eyebrow in question "what do you mean?" he asked "I just thought if it was possible to turn back time and change things we could've but obviously that's not a thing" Hope explained "even if it was possible it would be dangerous" Kol replied "Hope it's time for your magic lesson!" Freya called up the stairs. Hope went to leave but Kol stopped her gently grabbing her wrist "Hope whatever you are thinking of doing don't, you can't go changing the past and if you can it would be dangerous to do so" Kol warned "what would be so dangerous about it?" Hope questioned "I can't begin to tell you the ramifications of changing the past love but there would be consequences and whatever is changed in the past will likely end up coming back to bite you in the butt" Kol explained "Hope!" Freya yelled and Kol disappeared into his room, shutting the door as Hope went downstairs, her uncles words lingering in her head about consequences of changing the past but what if good changes were made in the past? Changes that could make everyone happy including Kol, Davina and the triplets? 

End of chapter

Kol and Klaus had it out with each other. Kol's emotions are really showing and it's hitting him hard what he was made to leave behind. Klaus is being an ignorant ass who thinks he's doing everyone favours but is still being selfish and effectively making a mess of things. Hope heard Kol crying. Hope and Kol had a nice heart to heart with Kol assuring Hope she's not at fault for anything. Hope is thinking of changing the past but Kol has warned her against it despite believing it's impossible. What will happen next?

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