Chapter 79

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Sorry it's been a while, guys but here's a new chapter, I hope you like it

Harmony's pov

After 1 hour and a half of rest in the nurse's office, Elena allows me to leave. My mom had to return to her office to continue work but she kept stopping by to check on me. My dad on the other hand, remained and we played card games, much to the annoyance of Aunt Elena who kept trying to make him leave which would only result in my dad telling her to fuck off.

Aunt Elena stopped after my mom had a harsh word with her about her needing to get over her issues with Kol because he's my dad and he has the right to stay if he wants too and that she can't allow her prejudice get in the way of her doing her job.

My dad had a rather smug look on his face after that because Elena wouldn't say a word to him, my mom told her she can either be polite to my dad or if she can't be polite then for her to just not say anything . She obviously chose the latter and chose to not say anything to him.

"Later aunt Elena" I say as I walk out the office "look after yourself, okay" she states giving me a quick hug "I will, my mom and dad will make sure I'm looking after myself" I respond and she smiles before turning to my dad who is standing behind me.

Her smile fades as her lips fall into a straight line "Kol" she says in a neutral tone "Elena" he retorts in a neutral tone "okay, this is awkward, bye aunt Elena" I say before I walk away with my dad.

"I can't stand her" Dad spits making me sigh "I know and she can't stand you" I retort "sorry, I know she's your mom's friend and like an aunt to you but my blood boils when I see her. I try to be polite and civil for you and your siblings and your mother but it grates on my nerves when she gives me dirty looks and tries to boss me around" he rants "mom has told her to cut it out with the dirty looks and bossing you around. Elena's just not very good at letting the past stay in the past, something which the Mikaelson's aren't good at themselves" I point out making him sigh.

"I know you're still mad that Elena and Jeremy wanted to kill you" I say making him sigh again "they would've if it hadn't been for your mother. She was the only one to stand in their way when they wanted to kill me" he states "because she loved you. She might love her friends but she wasn't going to let her own friends kill the man she loved" I respond and he smiles.

"Wish she still did love me but that's all my fault" he states with a sigh "oh come on, now dad. If you don't believe that mom doesn't still love you then you're more oblivious than I thought and I thought you were meant to be the smart one of the Mikaelson family" I retort raising an eyebrow and he raises one of his as he looks at me with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Did you just diss me? Your own father?" he asks making me bring a hand up to playfully tap my chin as I slightly cock my head to the side "I think I did, yeah" I respond before turning on my heal and walking away. 

Hope suddenly rounds the corner and she heads straight to me "Harmony, I heard you fainted. Are you okay?" she asks looking concerned and I just smile at her "I'm fine now but thanks for asking" I respond making her nod.

"Uncle Kol? Aunt Freya wishes to speak to you later" Hope says turning to my dad "if she wishes to speak to me then she should come to me herself, not rely her messages and demands through you" dad replies making her nod "I'll pass on the message" she replies making him nod.

"Well, we should head to class. We can't be late" I state looking at my watch "Harmony, your mom said you don't need to worry about lessons today. You can go straight home if you wish" dad says making me turn to him "I know but I don't want to miss out on anything so I'm gonna attend whatever lessons I have left for today" I respond making him nod.

"Alright, I'll see you at home then. Later Hope" he says nodding at her before walking away "are you sure everything's okay?" Hope asks making me look at her "yeah, everything's fine" I respond and she nods "you know you can talk to me if something's up. We are cousins and I care about what's going on with you all" she says making me sigh.

"I appreciate the statement, Hope. I do, I'm just going through some stuff that my parents are helping me work through but I'm okay. Now come on, let's head to class" I say linking my arm through hers and we head off to class.

Kol's pov

I head to Davina's office after leaving Harmony and Hope in the hallway. I knock on the door "come in" Davina says from inside so I push the door open and poke my head inside. "Hi, just wanted to let you know, Harmony's been dismissed from the nurses office and she has decided to return to class despite me telling her that you gave her permission to go home" I explain making her nod as she stands up from behind her desk.

"Okay, thanks for telling me. Did Elena give you anymore hassle?" she questions looking at me as she walks over to a filing cabinet and opens a draw. "No, she ignored me" I respond making her good "good, I'm sorry she's been up your ass. She should be a little more professional but she still lets prejudice get in the way" she replies shaking her head as she bends over slightly making me instantly glance at her arse making me bite my lip.

"She just really doesn't like me, which is fine because I don't like her. She's a bitch, sorry I know she's your friend but it's true" I respond not even sorry about insulting Elena, I really can't stand her. "It's okay, you're allowed to have an opinion on people even if others might not like it. I'm not going to force you to like her or say nice things to her just because of me or the triplets. Nobody can make you do things you don't want to do but I won't tolerate her making you feel unwelcome and uncomfortable around our kids especially at the work place. She shouldn't have been pressing for you to leave when you were just being there for our daughter" she replies as she leans up after pulling out a file and starts flipping through it.

 "She just doesn't trust me" I say shrugging my shoulders "anyway, I'm gonna head home" I say about to leave as she shuts the filing cabinet draw. "Before you go, you should know Ethan has practice after school today so he'll be late for dinner. Which also reminds me, he has a game next week" she explains making me nod "what day?" I ask "Friday, the day before the talent show" she replies "okay, I'll obliviously be there" I respond and she nods. "Ethan will be glad" she states making me nod "now back to Harmony, a sec. She needs help, one little talk with us isn't going to change things over night so I'm thinking about if we should put her in therapy or not. A part of me thinks we'd be able to help her on our own but I think she may need the professional help" I speak and she slightly nods her head.

 "I agree with you however it's a matter we should discuss with her. We can't make any decisions without talking to her first" she replies making me nod "we can discuss tonight at home" I respond "okay" she replies nodding her head before returning to her seat.

"Well, I'll see you at home then" I say making her raise an eyebrow and nod "okay. see you at home" she replies and I just nod before leaving, scratching the back of my head as I shut the door behind me.

End of chapter

What did you think? Harmony spent time resting in the nurses office. Elena apparently gave Kol some grief before being told to quit it by Davina. Kol and Elena really don't like each other. Hope questioned Harmony if she was okay. Freya wants to speak to Kol. Ethan has a game coming up which is very close to the talent show. What will happen next?

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