Chapter 50

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The next day...

Keira's pov

I open my eyes and groan as I'm met with brightness, I turn my head as I blink as I adjust to the light before bringing my hands up to my face and rubbing sleep away from my eyes before looking around the room and I panic seeing that my dad is no longer in the chair he had been sitting in as we watched tv before I fell asleep.

I instantly get upset and feel my anxiety start to rise as I get out of bed and walk out of my room "dad!" I yell then I hear a whoosh before my dad appears before me looking concerned.

"Keira what's wrong?" he asks noticing the distress on my face "y-you're still here?" I ask making him frown "of course I am, I said I would stay didn't I?" he replies as he walks towards me.

"I know it's just I woke up and you weren't there so I panicked and thought you had left" I explain and he instantly closes his eyes as he sighs "I'm sorry I made you panic, once you fell asleep I headed downstairs to sleep on the couch" he explains as he opens his eyes as I walk to him and I throw my arms around him giving him a hug taking him by surprise.

"I got scared" I say feeling like a little kid right now but after all this time I finally have my dad so I don't care. My dad sighs as I feel him place a hand on my back as he goes to wrap his arms around me. "I meant what I said yesterday Keira, I'm not going anywhere" he assures me as he rubs my back before kissing the top of my head.

"You're my daughter and I'm here to stay for you and your siblings" he says as I pull back "how about we hang out today?" he asks making my eyes light up "can it be just us? No Harmony or Ethan, they've already spent some one on one time with you and I'd quite like to spend one on one time with you" I say and he smiles "just me and you it is" he replies making me smile.

I pull away as I hear heels clicking so I stop talking and turn as my mom walks down the hall with Gabriel, he's got his head on her shoulder looking sleepy "hey good morning" mom chirps "good morning mom and good morning little man" I coo as I walk over and tickle him making him giggle and squirm in mom's arms.

"So sweetie what are you doing today?" mom asks "I'm going to hang out with dad" I respond and she smiles "well I hope you two have fun, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to make breakfast so get yourself ready and I'll have something prepared for you" she says "thanks mom" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek before she walks away and heads downstairs and I head into my room to get ready.


30 minutes later...

I enter the kitchen just as mom is plating up freshly made waffles "are those your famous waffles I see?" I ask starting to drool at the smell and sight "why of course" she replies with a slight giggle as she hands me the plate of waffles which has sliced strawberries and a few blueberries on the side with a bit of whipped cream and syrup poured over the top of the waffles.

"Your waffles are the best" I say as I sit down at the table "thank you" she says before I let out a moan as I take a bite of the waffle making her giggle before I hear footsteps so I turn to see Shawn enter who is holding Gabriel who is now dressed and wide awake.

"Are those waffles I see?" Shawn asks "yes mom made some" I respond "any left?" he asks "of course" she replies "I've got to have some" he asks everyone loves mom's waffles, they're that good, to be fair anything that mom cooks is always good.

Mom just laughs as she hands him an already prepared plate of waffles "thought you would say something like that" she says as she takes Gabriel from him "this is why you are my favorite person" Shawn says planting a kiss on her cheek just as dad walks in and he stops as he sees them, a frown settling on his face and I notice him clenching his fists.

Shawn walks away "uh do you need a hand with anything?" dad asks clearing his throat as he looks at mom "I can wash up if you need" he offers and I just raise an eyebrow at him "no it's okay, I got it besides you're a guest" she replies walking over to the fridge and pulling out a blood bag which she tosses to him.

"Thanks" he says before going to tear into it but stops as he notices Gabriel looking at him so he turns around before tearing into it "who that mama?" Gabriel asks pointing at him "that is Ethan, Keira and Harmony's daddy" mom explains "I have two daddies" he says with a frown while I just giggle "no baby you just have one daddy, you know who your daddy is. Your siblings have a different daddy" mom explains making his mouth form into an O shape making me giggle as he's just so cute.


I finish my breakfast and kiss my mom and Gabriel goodbye before heading out with my dad "so where do you wanna go?" dad asks as we walk to his car "there's this place I like to go when I want to just think or calm down" I respond "alright" he says as we stop at his car.

"It's at the edge of the woods so it requires walking" I say "very well, lead the way" he says and I nod as we start walking with me walking a little bit ahead of him since I know where we're going.

End of chapter

Kol kept to his word and stayed the night although Keira had a little panic when she woke up and saw him gone. Kol was showing some jealousy towards Shawn and Davina which only only Keira seemed to notice. Kol and Keira went off to go spend some quality time together. What will happen?

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