Chapter 53

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Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

I pull up outside the house and sigh seeing the lights are on meaning mostly everyone is awake, I was hoping everyone would be asleep but oh well.

I get out the car, grabbing the keep sake box Davina gave me before shutting the door and locking up the car. I vamp speed to the front door and open the door and walk straight in when there's a sudden whoosh before Klaus appears before me with his arms folded.

"Now just where have you been?" he asks making me raise an eyebrow as I kick the door shut behind me "well yesterday I went to the court house to support Harmony, Keira got upset and I went after her leading to her to pour herself out to me and we hugged then I took her back home where she asked me to stay so I did" I explain "that doesn't explain where you've been all of today" he says making me roll my eyes.

"I spent the day with Keira, we did a lot of talking and then I brought her home and was met by Harmony. The girls asked if I wanted to stay for dinner so I did and now here I am" I explain "and you didn't think to call us to let you us know you'd be gone all night and the majority of today?" he asks making me scoff "what are you? My father? I don't have to tell you shit Nik" I retort as I go to walk past him.

"We still ought to have known where you were. We had been waiting for you yesterday evening and this evening for dinner but you were a no show, we deserved to know you wouldn't be coming so we didn't have to wait on you. Hope was so disappointed that you didn't turn up, you know she likes our family dinners" he rants making me bite my tongue as I turn to face him.

"I'm sorry that my life doesn't revolve around you and this family. I simply forgot to call because I was enjoying my time with my daughter who up until now hated my guts because I was never there and because I broke her mothers heart. I wasn't just going to disappear on her after she opened up to me and I'm sure Hope didn't mind me not being there, in fact I bet it wasn't even her who was disappointed but it was you" I retort and he just huffs at me.

"What is that you're holding anyway?" he asks making me subconsciously tighten my hold on it "it's a keep sake" I respond "of what?" he asks "my kids" I respond "why do you have a keep sake?" he asks "because Davina gave it to me so I could see pictures and home videos of our kids growing up. It was a kind gesture of hers" I explain "pictures and home videos will never make up for the fact you weren't there" he says making me grit my teeth.

"I'm perfectly aware Nik and you're the reason I was never there so I would shut the fuck up if I were you. I don't want to hear another word out of your god damn mouth about the biggest regret of my life" I snap glaring at him "I'm not the whole reason, it wasn't my fault" he snorts making me scoff.

"Are you bloody kidding me? You threatened Davina's life when I refused to break up with her, you used always and forever against me in order to manipulate me so I would succumb to your bidding and you threatened to dagger me which wasn't the worst thing you did! You are the main reason I wasn't there for the love of my life and my children, it was all you because you used my love against me and you knew I would rather die than let you cause any harm to Davina!" I snap and he just clenches his jaw and avoids my gaze making me snort.

"She didn't tell you! She kept your children from you making her the reason you weren't there!" he yells "she wanted to tell me! She was going to tell me but I broke up with her before she could tell me and after that she refrained from doing so because she wanted to protect them and I don't blame her for that so stop trying to pin the blame on her! Davina was never in the wrong! You're just trying to hide your own guilt!" I snap before storming up the stairs.

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