Chapter 4

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The house pictured above is Davina's house.

Later night....

Davina's pov

I arrive home after a long hard day at work, trying to get things organised for the new school day tomorrow and of course Hope Mikaelson coming for a tour with her family, yeah that's not going to be awkward. Note my sarcasm.

No I'm going to be completely professional and I will just act like Kol is not there if he shows up with the rest which he probably will which is just my luck.

I head upstairs and place a very sleepy Gabriel in his bed, he tired himself out after today playing around with his siblings and being a cheeky little boy. 

I place a kiss on Gabriel's forehead before quietly leaving his room, turning off the light but leaving on the night light so he won't get scared if he suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night.


I head downstairs as I hear the front door open and smile as I see Shawn walk through the door. Me and Shawn live together since we have a son together but we obviously sleep in separate bedrooms since we are just friends and nothing more. 

Shawn moved in with me shortly after Gabriel was born wanting to be closer to him so he could be hands on and it's honestly nice having him around and being here for Gabriel. He's a good father and he's a good father figure to the triplets.

The triplets also live here but they also have a dorm room back at the school and they tend to switch between places. Sometimes they'll sleep here or sometimes they'll sleep in their dorms. Tonight however they are sleeping in their dorms since it's the first day of school tomorrow.

"Hey you okay?" I ask Shawn as I head into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea before I go to bed. "Yeah, I'm good just had a little too much to drink. I blame Damon, he's a bad influence" he responds making me laugh "well Damon is Damon and you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to meet up and have drinks with him" I respond making him chuckle as I hand him a hot cup of tea.

"Well I like a drink so sue me" he retorts shrugging his shoulders "yeah well you'll come to regret that when you wake up tomorrow with a hangover and you have a class to teach tomorrow" I respond giving him a smirk as he groans. 

"Dammit" he complains smacking his forehead making me laugh "hey smacking yourself isn't going to do anything now finish up your tea and get your butt up to bed. We all have a big day tomorrow" I respond making him playfully roll his eyes. "Yes mom" he replies with a salute making me laugh so I pretend to kick him up the bum making him laugh as he heads upstairs.

I shake my head grabbing my cup of tea and heading up to my room to get ready for bed and drink my tea in peace as I read a book for a little bit before I go to sleep.

(Davina's bedroom)

(Davina's bedroom)

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Hope's pov

We arrive in Mystic Falls after a two hour drive from the airport. We arrived in Virginia three hours ago and my Uncle Kol and Aunt Rebekah spent an hour going for a feed before we hit the road and headed to Mystic Falls.

I look outside as we pull up outside a white mansion "this is kind of a downgrade compared to the compound back in New Orleans" I say making Uncle Kol bark out a laugh "your dad bought this" he says as he exits the car ignoring the death glares my dad's giving him.

"Sorry dad but it is a bit of a downgrade" I say sheepishly before hastily exiting the car and making my way to the front door. "Alright Hope we have a long day tomorrow so straight to bed" Freya says coming up behind me "yes Aunt Freya, I know" I respond as we head inside and I make my way upstairs to go pick out a room and go to bed.

End of chapter

What did you think? Davina and Shawn have a nice playful friendship. The Mikaelson's are in Mystic Falls. What will happen next?

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