Chapter 58

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Two days later....Monday

Kol's pov

I arrive at the mansion and sigh in relief when I realize it's quiet meaning nobody's here, not that it would be a bad thing. It's just I know Klaus probably isn't too happy with me as I haven't been home all weekend since I ended up staying at Davina's for the rest of the weekend to spend more time with my kids and to you know be with Davina.

Rebekah went back on Saturday, she can never be gone too long from Klaus as she doesn't like to anger him. I on the other do not care about angering him, I wanted to spend more time with my kids and even though I have plenty of time to do that, I thought this weekend was very beneficial for me and the triplets, we bonded a lot and they're a lot easier around me now.

Plus I got to prove to Davina that I'm here and that I'm putting in the effort to get to know our kids but also be a good father to them. I mean I know it's gonna take a lot more than a single weekend to prove that, I've got a long way to go.

Now with it being a Monday it means the kids are at school and Davina's working which is why I came back to the house for a bit but I'll probably nip out for a drink later. For now I think I'll just watch a few keep sake videos of the triplets.

I head up to my room and retrieve the keep sake box and take out two cases containing films of the triplets. I'm taking to watch only a few at a time since I don't want to watch them all in one go, if I watch them a little at a time then I can savor them a bit more.

I turn on the tv and pop one of the discs in the dvd player before shutting the door so I can watch in peace before I go and sit on my bed, grabbing the glass of blood I got from the fridge before I came up here.

The video starts and the camera zooms into a pink room where singing could be heard, the camera shifts and sets on a 5 year old little girl sat on the floor singing as she plays with her dolls "Harmony what are you doing sweetie?" Davina's voice asks from behind the camera "singing and playing mama" Harmony answers as she looks back at her mother with a smile "well it's very lovely singing" Davina replies and Harmony's smile widens, her little brown eyes twinkling as two dimples appear on her cheeks "not like yours mama" she says and Davina lets out a little sigh before moving forward.

"I beg to differ sweetheart, do you want to sing for me?" Davina asks and Harmony shyly hides her face making Davina giggle  "come on, it's just you and me" Davina says as the camera shifts as she moves.

Harmony puts her dolls down before standing up, smoothing her dress down before clearing her throat as she rests her hands in front of herself making me chuckle at her dramatics.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high" she sings raising her arms above her head as she leans up on her tip toes "and the dreams that you dream of, once in a lullaby" she sings gently swaying on her feet "sing with me mama!" she says making Davina giggle behind the camera.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly and the dreams that you dream of. Dreams really do come true" they sing as tears start forming in my eyes "someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me, where trouble melts like lemon drops.." they continue singing in perfect sync with each other "high above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me" they finish and a bright smile spreads across Harmony's face as Davina claps before laughing as Harmony takes a bow.

The video cuts off after that and I wipe a tear that escaped my eye and I sniff before snapping my head up as I hear the front door open and slam shut so I quickly turn the tv off and make my way downstairs "ah little brother you're back" Klaus says as he jogs up the stairs "for now, I'm heading back out shortly" I respond as I walk past him causing him to turn and follow after me.

"Where too?" he asks "to the bar for a drink, is that okay with you?" I retort as I turn to face him and he holds his hands up "just asking, are you going to be staying in tonight or are you stopping out again?" he asks "it's none of your business whether I do or not and I didn't stop out, I was having a sleep over with my children, spending time with them" I respond and he sighs.

"Yeah I'm sure that's all you did" he says using finger quotations making me frown "well that is all I did, I was bonding with my children" I say "and I'm sure you did plenty of bonding with their mother too" he retorts sarcastically making me shrug "maybe a little but not the kind you're thinking or the kind I really want to do but we talked and we're in a nice place right now, for one she doesn't hate my guts thank god" I say "and you thought you had anything to worry about, it's clear everything's working out perfectly for you so you don't need to be mad at me anymore" he says making me scoff.

"I may be on good terms with my children and Davina but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly okay with you because I'm not. I'm still mad at you, you still meddled with my happiness which I ended up sacrificing for you because of your bloody threats. I still missed out on being there for my children, watching them grow alongside Davina. I missed so much all because I listened to you" I say "you continue to blame me when it was Davina who kept their existence from you" he says making me roll my eyes "she was going to tell me! And she would've if she thought it was safe but it wasn't because of you and our families long line of enemies who are mostly our enemies because of you!" I snap fed up of him trying to shift the blame.

"I don't need this! I'm going to pick up Hope" he says walking away "oh yeah that's real mature of you to walk away when you hear the truth!" I snap and he stops and turns away "you like to tell truths well here's one for you. Davina wasn't right for you, she was far too sweet for you and you know I was going to kill her for the ritual but I thought her useless but I wish I had killed her, I should've killed her the second she showed up at that ball all those years ago!" he barks sending me into a blind fury as I charge at him, tackling him to the ground as I swing a punch at his face and we go tumbling down the stairs.

I find my footing and pin Klaus down and start raining punches down on him "It wasn't *punch* your choice *punch* to make *punch* if she wasn't *punch* right for me or not *punch* she was *punch* everything I *punch* ever wanted! And don't you *punch* ever *punch* speak *punch* of her like that!" I growl between punches "and don't you ever threaten her!" I add with one more punch before he throws me off and starts punching me but I fight back and head butt him in the face and kick him off.

A door slams and there's a whoosh "Kol! Niklaus! That is enough!" Elijah yells as we're torn apart and he stands between us "what on earth has gotten into you two!?" he asks looking between us "doesn't matter because you won't care for my side anyway. Just know until I get an apology and better respect from him, I'll be staying elsewhere" I say before vamp speeding away.

End of chapter.

Well that was dramatic, what do you think? Kol and Klaus got in a physical fight. Kol is clearly fed up. Kol watched another of the videos which featured Harmony singing, what did you think of it? Let me know what you think in the comments xx

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