Chapter 51

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20 minutes later...

We finally get to my spot at the edge of the woods, it's basically a clearing that overlooks a lake and the sky, it has a pretty blossom tree and it's quite a good place to watch the sunset if you like doing that sort of thing.

"Nice spot" dad says "thanks, mom actually showed it to me. She took me here one day when I was on the verge of having a meltdown. She said she stumbled across it and liked to come here to watch the sunset sometimes and unwind and that if I wanted I could use it as a go to place to just be alone and unwind" I explain as I sit down on a log that I use as a bench whenever I come here.

"What were you having a meltdown about?" he asks as he sits next to me "honestly I can't remember the reason. I had a lot of meltdowns as a child, I have quite the temper and I'm quite easily pissed off, uncle Damon says I get it from you" I explain as I look at him.

"I'm sorry" he says "it's okay, I have my temper mostly under control these days but I can still get pissed off quite easily" I respond making him chuckle slightly. "Some people tell me I'm too emotional" I say making him frown "being emotional isn't necessarily a bad thing" he says making me shrug.

"I feel too easily, I get angry too easily, I get sad too easily but I also easily feel happy. Sometimes I feel things all at once and it gets too much and that's when I tend to have a meltdown and my magic goes into overdrive. Mom is always there to calm me down and snap out of it though" I say "that's just one of her specialties, she'd help me when I was kicking off for god knows what, she has a lot of patience but it also helps she has a caring heart" he replies making me smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask "of course, you can ask me anything" he says making me sigh "a lot of people have said that you were only ever using my mom? That she was just a plaything to you and you didn't care for her? Is it true?" I ask and I instantly see hurt and anger flicker through his eyes as he looks down.

"I'm a lot of things Keira, I've done a lot of bad things and I've wronged and used a lot of people in the past. Before your mother any woman I met, I never cared for and I only ever saw them as a means to an end but that was never the case for your mother. Your mother wasn't a plaything to me, she wasn't some pawn that I wanted to use. All my intentions and feelings for your mother were pure, I loved her" he explains looking out into the distance and I see the sadness in his eyes.

"I still love her" he adds as he looks down twisting his daylight ring on his finger "then why did you leave her so easily?" I ask even though I've already brought this up but I just want to know more, I want more answers. He sighs "because I was weak and a coward and I have never regretted anything more than walking away from her. I regret it every single day, every day I was apart from her, I missed her like crazy and all I wanted to do was run back to her and beg for forgiveness but I was too much of a coward and I thought the damage was already done so I couldn't take back what I did" he explains with a slight crack in his voice.

I look ahead looking at the horizon as I take in what he said and I pull my knees up to my chest "how did you and my mom meet? I've heard brief snippets from mom but she never goes too much into detail or says much which I honestly think it's because it hurts too much for her to think about or talk about" I say and he smiles.

"We briefly met the day before the ball which I'm sure you might've heard about" he says glancing at me "I've heard a thing or two about it" I respond before he goes on to tell me about when he and mom first officially met.

Kol's pov

Flashback...17 years ago

I left the house to get away from my siblings and my mother as the atmosphere in that house is just draining and awkward plus I do not trust my mother nor do I really want to be anywhere near her and I'm still pissed at Nik for keeping me daggered for a century and not being able to get some payback because mommy dearest doesn't approve and wants us all to be one big happy family, barf.

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