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Here are the character profiles of Percy, Annabeth and Peter.


Name: Percy Connor Jackson

Age: 34 years old

Species: demi-god

Mother: Sally Jackson

Father: Poseidon

Sister: Davina Claire

Brother: Tyson

Girlfriend: Annabeth Chase

Child: Peter Jackson

Nieces and nephews: Ethan, Keira, Harmony and Gabriel

Bio: Percy is older than Davina by one year, he didn't know he had a sister until 10 years ago after finding out from his father. He instantly went to find his sister and found her while she was on vacation with her children and was surprised to find she had children but was happy to meet her and get to know his nieces and nephews as well as his sister.

Percy has been dating Annabeth Chase for nine years and has an eight year old son named Peter with her. Percy has a close relationship with his son.

Peter will be the only child he and Annabeth ever have due to a curse that Zeus placed on them not wanting them to have anymore children which was very bizzare and made everyone angry at the fact he thought he had the right to control them like that.

Percy is 34 years old however due to an immortality spell being placed on him and Annabeth he stopped aging on his 20th birthday so looks like he's 20.


Name: Annabeth Lissa Chase

Age: 33 years old

Species: demi-god

Father: Carmichael Chase

Mother: Athena

Boyfriend: Percy Jackson

Child: Peter Jackson

In laws: Davina Claire and Tyson

Nieces and nephews: Ethan, Keira, Harmony and Gabriel

Bio: Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, she is Percy's girlfriend and the mother of his son. Annabeth went with Percy to find his sister Davina and instantly hit up a friendship with her, admiring her strength and how hard working she was especially with being a mother to 4 children.

Like Percy even though she's 33 she doesn't look like it as she too had a immortality spell placed on her and she stopped aging on her 20th birthday. 


Name: Peter Holland Jackson 

Age: 8 years old 

Species: legacy 

Mother: Annabeth Chase

Father: Percy Jackson

Aunt: Davina Claire

Uncle: Tyson

Cousins: Ethan, Keira, Harmony and Gabriel

Bio: Peter is the only child of Percy and Annabeth, his grandparents are Athena and Poseidon who he only briefly met two, one of which was the day he was born so he doesn't remember, the other time he met them was on his 2nd birthday which he kind of remembers. 

Peter is very close with his parents and he has a great bond with his older cousins and his younger cousin. He is a very intelligent and sweet kid who loves martial arts and cars.

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