Chapter 9

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Davina's pov

I arrive at the Mikaelson's old mansion where they use to live 16 years ago making me feel suddenly nervous and emotional since the last time I was here. I came here to tell Kol I was pregnant but ended up getting my heart broken and left in tears.

I suck up these emotions "be calm Davina, you can do this" I whisper to myself just as Gabriel lifts his head up from my shoulder and rubs his eyes. He looks around confused before looking at me "I'm just doing a dropping something off baby" I explain "ohh" he responds making me giggle as I kiss him on the forehead as I walk up to the front door. I raise my hand and lightly knock on the door knowing I don't need to knock too hard since they're vampires. 

The door opens a few seconds later revealing Rebekah on the other side. Her face lights up as she smiles "Davina what brings you here?" she asks "I came to drop off the tickets for the play if Hope is still interested" I respond holding up the folder in my other hand. 

"Oh yes of course. Hope come down here!" Rebekah shouts over her shoulder before looking back at me. "So whose this little cutie?" she asks smiling at Gabriel who hides his face in the crook of my neck making me laugh "this is Gabriel my youngest" I respond gently bouncing Gabriel on my hip. "Gabriel sweetie this is an old friend of mine" I say making him look up "mama's friend?" he asks with a finger in his mouth "yes, that's right" I respond and he turns his head towards Rebekah, flashes her a great big smile and waves "hiya!" he squeals making us both laugh.

"Aw you are just the cutest little boy" Rebekah coos tapping his nose just as Hope appears in the doorway. "Miss Claire, hi what are you doing here?" she asks looking surprised to see me "I came to drop off tickets for the play" I explain holding the folder out to her.

"Oh you had enough for me and my family?" she asks as she opens the folder and flicks through it "just enough yes" I respond "how much do the tickets cost? I know there's a slight charging fee which goes into the school fund" Hope says "the tickets cost $2.50 each" I respond I know it's not a lot but we like to ensure the tickets are affordable so parents can come plus the play programs cost $5 since they cost more to make than the tickets do.

"I'll pay the money, so how many tickets are in there Hope?" Rebekah asks looking at Hope "there's six" Hope replies "so that'll be $15, here's $20 keep the change" Rebekah says as she hands me the money "thank you" I respond with a smile before turning on my heel, preparing to leave but Hope stops me. "Oh wait before you go. I've filled in my option sheet for the subjects I want to do" she says making me turn back to her "oh yeah?" I respond making her nod. 

"Yes, it's upstairs in my room, I'll go get it don't go anywhere" Hope says before running off leaving me and Rebekah alone. "So your older kids, they seem quite the characters" she says making me smile "oh yeah they are but I love them regardless" I respond making her smile.

"How old are they?" she asks I open my mouth to respond however Hope reappears with the sheet of paper in her hand "here you go" she says with a smile "thank you, I should possibly have your schedule ready by tomorrow" I respond "thank you" she replies "you're welcome sweetie" I respond "mama I hungry" Gabriel says making me look at him.

"Alright well I'll be off, this one wants feeding. I shall see you tomorrow have a nice day" I respond "you too Davina" Rebekah replies before I turn around and walk away. I hear the door close as I head to my car.

I put Gabriel in his car seat and before I get in the driver's seat, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched so I turn around and look back at the house. My eyes slowly trail upwards and I freeze as I find Kol staring at me through one of the upstairs window.

I quickly turn away and get into my car, shutting the door before starting up my car. I put my seat belt on before driving away and heading back to the school.

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