Teen Group Chat

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Okay so this is just for a bit of fun but it also adds to the story, I hope you like it

Kids only group chat

Lizzie: Hey guys what's going on around here?

Skylar: I think I'm getting the flu, my nose is stuffy 🤧 xx

Ethan: I'll whip you up some medicine babe xx

Skylar: Aww you don't have too xx

Ethan: I want too baby, if you're sick I want to help make you feel better xx

Keira: This makes me sick 🤮

Lizzie: I know I feel the vomit making its way up my throat 🤢

Ethan: I'm sorry were we talking to you two? 

Keira: No but you're in a group chat dumbass, everyone can see you being all sickly cute with Skylar 

Ethan: Shut up, you're like this with Harlow

Keira: Am not

Ethan: Are too

Keira: Am not!

Ethan: Are too

Harmony: Alright enough you two

Keira: He started it 😒

Ethan: Me? It was you who started it

Josie: I have no idea what's going on right now 

Skylar: Ethan was saying he was going to make me some medicine for me as I have a stuffy nose and Keira and Lizzie were teasing us and that led to Keira and Ethan arguing xx

Josie: Oh

Kaleb, MG and Landon: Hey guys

Lizzie: Oh god who added Mo, Larry and Curly to the group chat?

Keira:😂😂 😂

Kaleb: rude

MG: Have we done something to annoy you Lizzie?

Kaleb: I get Landon might've but us? Definitely not

Landon: Hey😑!

Kaleb: No offense man but you know she always seems to get easily annoyed by you

Landon: That is true

Penelope: Hey guys

Lizzie: Okay I can accept Mo, Larry and Curly being added to the group chat but the dark lord? Who in the hell added her?!!

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