Chapter 74

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Two days later....

Davina's pov

Two days have passed, and everything is going back to normal. School has resumed as normal, so students are back to sleeping in their dorms and I gave my children the all clear to leave the house since there hadn't been another earthquake and I deemed it safe to leave the house.

There still is some damage to the town following the earthquake, like some houses lost a few roof tiles, some houses had walls cave in and we had some streetlamps that stopped working. There is also the matter of the huge crack in the road near the Mystic falls sign but that's getting seen too.

There are roadworkers on the task to fix up the hole so it's safe to drive again but until then no one can actually leave the town since it's been blocked off by the roadworkers so they can fix the road.

My children went straight to catch up with their friends and significant others. Which left me alone with Gabriel and Kol since Shawn was out at Damon and Elena's house helping with fixing the wall that crumbled down during the earthquake.

"I'm heading to the school Kol" I say as I approach the door with Gabriel on my hip "do you need me to come with?" he asks emerging from the kitchen where he had been feasting on a blood bag "no, I have work to do but could you sort dinner out for the triplets tonight?" I ask making him nod "sure" he replies before I walk out the door with Gabriel.



I'm sat at my desk in my office going through emails from worried parents regarding their children following the earthquake though they have been assured everything is fine and that their children are safe but some parents just can't help but worry. I don't blame them, I'd be worried too if I was away from my children.

A knock at the door pulls my attention away from the computer "come in" I say and the door opens followed by my brother Percy entering making me stand up right away.

"Percy!" I exclaim walking round my desk and over to him, pulling him in for a hug "hey how are things? I saw that massive crack in the road and some of the damage to the houses when I arrived. I had to ditch my car and walk through the forest because of the road being blocked off. You told me there had been an earthquake, I didn't think it was that bad" he states as he pulls away "yeah, I know but it's why I asked for you. Something about that earthquake didn't feel right and I can't fully explain why but something just didn't sit right with me" I say and he nods.

"It wasn't the only earthquake that took place. There were another two earthquakes that happened on that day at the exact same time. There was a brief one in New York and another in Greece, a lot of houses crumbled, and some people were injured but there were no casualties" he explains making me frown "I didn't hear about the one in New York" I state "you had other things on your plate so it's understandable" he replies as I sit myself down.

"I don't know why three earthquakes occurred at the same time in different places, but I will get to the bottom of it because you are right when you say something wasn't right about it" he states "I had the same feeling you did" he adds "are Annabeth and Peter okay?" I ask making him nod "yeah, they're fine. Peters with my mom and Annabeth has gone to seek out her mom" he explains making me raise an eyebrow "good luck to her with that" I say making him chuckle.

"Have you heard anything about dad or this prophecy?" I ask and he sighs "no, I did hear of potential whereabouts which I looked into, but all resulted in finding nothing however....." he trails off making me raise an eyebrow as it's never good when he says however because it's usually followed by bad news.

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