Chapter 8

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Later that day...Lunch time

Davina's pov

Gabriel was now all clean after I had gone home to give him a bath and changed him into clean clothes, I also had to get changed since I was covered in paint from Gabriel before I headed back to the school to enrol Hope onto the school database. Caroline said she would handle it but she's already done plenty for me today having covered the tour and doing most of the interview which I was suppose to do but had to be excused to see to Ethan and Keira since they were having a spat over the prank Ethan pulled on Keira.

So I went to my office with Gabriel since I couldn't return him to his pre-school class since half the class room is covered in paint which me and Caroline are having to have cleaned which meant the other pre-school children had to be picked up by their parents. Bonnie came by and picked up the children whose parents weren't able to come and pick them up.

I had to have Gabriel with me in the office but I kept him occupied with some toys so I could get some work done. Once I had entered Hope's details onto the database and officially put her on the school register, I sought to find out whether there are anymore tickets left for the school play and I find there's just enough for the lot of them but I'm hesitant. I don't mind Hope coming to watch, it's Kol I'm concerned about as this is the first year Harmony's playing the lead role in a play and is finally going to shine but if he shows up, I'm worried she might back out because of nerves. She's already nervous enough as it is because she's scared she won't do a good job and I don't need her having another reason to be nervous.

However I can't be dishonest as I told Hope I would get back to her as she really seemed interested and keen on seeing the play and I'm never one to deny such a request. So I push aside my hesitation as I print off the remaining tickets before placing them in a folder and setting them aside for later so I can take them over to the Mikaelson's house and I know for a fact they're staying at the old Mikaelson mansion.

"Mama phone" Gabriel says walking over to me and pointing to my phone which is buzzing. My eyes widen as I see it's Elena calling and that's when I remember me, Caroline and Elena are suppose to meet for lunch today.

I pick up my phone, answering it as I bring it to my ear "hello" I say "Davina hey are you and Caroline still on for lunch?" Elena asks "yes, of course I'm going to meet Caroline now and we'll be on our way" I respond as I get up and begin rushing around the office, putting on my blazer and grabbing my bag all the while Gabriel watches me go back and forth.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" Elena responds "alright Lena see you soon" I respond before hanging up the phone, grabbing the folder containing the tickets for the play before picking up Gabriel as I rush out the door.

I meet Caroline outside by the school gate "there you are, what took you so long?" she asks glancing at her watch "I got sidetracked now let's go. I don't want to keep Elena waiting any longer than we already have" I respond as we leave the school grounds and head to the Mystic Grill to meet Elena.


Me and Caroline arrive at Mystic Grill with a fast asleep Gabriel in my arms. We head inside and find Elena waiting at a table inside "Elena" me and Caroline say as we walk over making her look up and she smiles. "Hey girls" she says greeting us with a smile as we reach the table and she pulls us into a hug.

"Long time no see" Caroline says as we sit down at the table Elena was sitting at. Elena has been out of town for the last four months as her and Damon were doing some traveling as part of her time off as a doctor. Yes Elena is a doctor now even though she's a vampire, she still wanted to be a doctor and help people. She even opened her own medical surgery and after months of her busting her ass off, Damon managed to convince her to take a break and go travelling with him.

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