Chapter 65

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Kol's pov

I was just sat watching tv and drinking some blood from a glass since I got a little hungry. I haven't really done much today and I am trying to currently avoid running into my brother since I'm still pissed off at him so I decided to just stay in today.

The house is empty as the triplets are out and Davina is at the school still, I don't know where Shawn is but I can't bring myself to care since I don't know how to feel about him as I'm sure he has some sort of thing going on with Davina. I mean he lives here, so there must be something going on but every time I ask, my question is not answered though it's none of my business but I want to know, I am trying to win Davina back after all.

I can't exactly win her back if she's with someone, I mean I could try and steal her back but I'm sure my attempts to do that will be thwarted.

The sound of the front door knob jiggling gets my attention and I get up and exit the living room just as the front door opens and Davina walks in holding Gabriel on her hip while carrying a load of bags in her other hand.

"Let me take those" I say instantly stepping into help her by taking the bags "oh thank you" she replies with a smile "no problem" I respond returning the smile "just pop them in the kitchen, I need to take this one upstairs" she says motioning to Gabriel who is asleep "okay love" I respond before she heads up the stairs with Gabriel.

I head into the kitchen and put the bags on the counter before walking out just as the front door opens and Shawn walks in "hey is Davina home?" he asks "yes, she's upstairs putting Gabriel to bed I assume" I respond making him nod "okay" he replies walking past me and heading into the kitchen.

I walk in after him "I need to ask you something" I say making him pause and look back at me "sure, what's up?" he asks folding his arms over his chest "what's the deal with you and Davina? Are you two a thing?" I ask and he throws his head back, laughing.

"Oh man, are you being serious?" he asks with a chuckle while I frown "oh you are. You want to know what my relationship with Davina is? We have a son together, we're co-parents and we're also best friends" he says "that's all mate, we aren't dating or hooking up, we're just really good friends who happen to live together for the sake of their son" he adds making me feel relieved that there's nothing going on between them.

"I get you may feel a little threatened by me because I'm a good looking single man who lives with the woman you obviously still carry a torch for. I don't blame you, I would be threatened by me too but you shouldn't be. Me and Davina aren't interested in each other like that, we just care about each other as friends and co-parents, we were just a one night stand that's all, nothing more" he explains as he grabs a beer from the fridge.

"Do you want one or....?" he asks trailing off as he holds the fridge door open "no, I'm good" I respond making him nod as he shuts the fridge door before opening the beer and taking a sip

"So you really don't like Davina as anything more than a friend?" I ask and he just rolls his eyes "dude I just told you that" he says "I know but I'm just making sure" I say "that you don't have any competition right? Don't worry you've got nothing to worry about, she's all yours trust me" he says patting me on the shoulder as he passes me.

"Wait what? She's still into me?" I ask turning around and he stops and turns back around "she's gonna kill me for this" he mumbles looking at the floor before looking back up "she still carries a torch for you just like you do for her. I live here, I see things and I'm not stupid or blind. The thing is Davina's just better at hiding it than you who is far too obvious" he says with an overexaggerated tone. 

 "Yeah that's right I've seen you staring at her with heart eyes and I've seen you eye balling her ass not that I blame you, that ass sure is something" he says and I narrow my eyes at him making him smirk and hold his hands up.

 "Just try to be a little more discrete and if you ever have the urge to tug one out over her, feel free to use the bathroom and make sure you lock the door, I have a two year old son who has no sense of knocking and just likes to walk in unannounced" he says before walking away leaving me feel a little baffled.

Not long after I hear the front door open so I exit the kitchen and see Harmony walking in with an unknown boy making me frown "who's this?" I ask making her jump as she didn't see me at first.

"Holy crap on a cracker! Dad you scared me" she says with a hand on her chest "sorry love, didn't mean to scare you. So who's this?" I ask eyeing up the boy standing a bit to close to my daughter for my liking.

"This is Devon, he's my friend from school, we're here to walk on a school project" she explains "very well but just so we're clear you're doing this project downstairs where I can see the two of you" I say eyeing them both especially Devon and Harmony sighs.

"Dad, nothing's gonna happen. You can trust me" she says "oh I trust you, him not so much" I say pointing to Devon "you don't even know him" she retorts "maybe not but I know teenage boys" I respond just as Davina walks down the stairs.

"Mom me and Devon have a project to work on and we need peace and quiet to do it. Dad is freaking out and wants us to stay downstairs" Harmony says making me frown "Kol they can go upstairs" Davina says looking at me "I don't like that idea" I say "well how about a compromise?" she suggests looking between me and Harmony.

"Harmony and Devon can work on their project in her room so long as she keeps the door open three inches" Davina compromises "five inches" I say "what? No four inches" Harmony retorts with her arms folded "five inches" I say "four inches" she argues "that door is either kept open five inches or I'm coming up and joining the two of you for this project" I say and she huffs "five inches it is" she replies with a tut as she folds her arms and rolls her eyes.

"Wise choice" I say and she huffs before heading up the stairs with Devon "you better keep your hands to yourself. If you touch my daughter, I will deck you" I call up the stairs "Kol!" Davina scolds with her arms folded "you will not do anything, he is my student and our daughters friend" she hisses "fine I won't do anything but my point still stands, you're to keep your hands to yourself at all times" I yell up the stairs.

Davina sighs next to me making me look at her and she just looks amused "you can shake her hand that's it" I shout up the stairs and I hear Davina let out a faint giggle.

Harmony remerges at the top of the stairs and sticks her tongue out at me making me stick my tongue back out at her making her laugh before she walks away.

I turn to Davina who shakes her head at me "we've gotta work on you learning to be pleasant and a little nicer to our children's friends" she says "I don't want boys around my daughters" I say "our daughters" she corrects "Kol they're teenagers, they're gonna like and hang out with boys and you're just gonna have to learn to deal with it even if you don't like it because their happiness is what matters most" she says making me sigh "fine" I grumble making her let out a small laugh before she walks away.

End of chapter

What did you all think? Any good? Kol finally got the answer he wanted to know. Shawn made it clear him and Davina are just friends nothing more. Shawn let it slip that Davina still likes Kol. Should he have said that? Harmony came home with Devon and Kol wasn't impressed. What did you think of Kol's reaction to seeing one of his daughters with a boy? What will happen next?

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