Chapter 28

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Continues from the previous chapter....

No one's pov

After being hexed by his own niece and nephew Klaus staggered his way back home, in immense pain from the fresh hex placed on him. Klaus was furious and stunned to find out that his niece and nephew were powerful enough to do something like this.

As Klaus burst through the door making it slam against the wall startling his siblings and daughter who instantly jumped up as they saw the state of him. "Bloody hell Nik what happened?" Rebekah asked in concern "dad what happened? Are you okay?" Hope asked as Klaus staggered past them, shrugging off their questions as he made his way to the living room.

"Brother" Elijah said placing his hand on his shoulder as he sat down "Freya do you know anything about removing a hex?" Klaus asked completely ignoring everyone else as he looked to his oldest sister. "It depends on what kind of hex it is? Why do you ask?" she asked Klaus sighed before pulling his shirt down just enough to show the hex mark.

Freya's eyes widen "when did this happen?" she asked "just a few minutes ago, I decided to pay a visit to Davina regarding the triplets and she totally freaked out on me and attacked me. She had Ethan and Keira put a hex on me" Klaus lied Freya looked angry and Elijah looked shocked while Rebekah and Kol were in disbelief, they didn't believe what he said.

Without another word, Kol sped over to Klaus, pulling him by the scruff of his shirt and slamming him against the wall. "" Kol seethed through gritted teeth as he glared at his brother "I did nothing, I just wanted to talk to her about letting the triplets have a relationship with you, with us" Klaus replied "I don't believe you but I do believe you would go behind my back like that. The triplets need time and space to think, I don't want to pressure them okay because if I do that they're not going to want anything to do with me. So I'll ask again what the bloody hell did you do?" Kol asked keeping a firm grip on Klaus to keep him against the wall.

"I did what I had to do, I was doing it for you and for the family. Those triplets are Mikaelson's, they need to be with people who share their blood, the people that bitch of a woman you so happened to love kept them from" Klaus defended making Kol scoff and shake his head in disappointment.

"Once again you're making it all about you and you're enforcing things onto everyone else, you're pushing my kids into a relationship, you're going out of your way to ruin any chances I have of having a relationship with my kids!" Kol snapped "Kol enough of this, Davina's in the wrong she freaked out and made two of the triplets hex Klaus that isn't good parenting" Freya scolded earning a glare from Kol and Rebekah.

"Shut the fuck up Freya! You know nothing about Davina, you only heard one side of the story and automatically assume that Klaus is telling the truth which he's not. I know Davina and she would never do something like he said she did! Can't you see that this is just Klaus attempting to control and manipulating everything!" Kol yelled at Freya feeling the urge to throttle her.

"I'm going to talk to Davina about this because unlike this bastard, Davina will tell the truth and I'm willing to bet she has security cameras installed in her office so she will have some form of proof as to what really happened" Rebekah spoke up glaring at Klaus who visibly paled at the thought of security cameras that would probably have recorded everything he said to Davina.

"I'm coming with you, I want to sort out whatever this damn mess Klaus made" Kol replied glaring at Klaus before he and Rebekah left the house while Freya tended to Klaus to figure out what kind of hex Ethan and Keira put on him so she could remove it.



Kol and Rebekah arrived at the school and the second they walked on campus, they instantly noticed that every student they passed glared at them or gave them a dirty look which made them feel a bit uneasy knowing that they're probably receiving those looks because of whatever Klaus did.

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