Chapter 30

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Davina's pov

School had ended for the day and I was at home preparing dinner with Harmony's help since she came home with me, she's had a tough day due to this bully problem she has. There was some mean girls from Mystic Falls high school who had been cyber bullying her, calling her awful names and such telling her that nobody loves her or cares about her and that she should kill herself. It all came to a head today when Harmony went into town and bumped into them and the girls ganged up on her and jumped her, hitting, punching and kicking her but they didn't get to do too much as Matt arrived and broke it up, escorting Harmony away but not before giving the girls a warning to not do anything like that again.

I was fucking fuming when Harmony told me what happened and I wanted to hurt those girls because they had hurt my daughter, my sweet girl who never does any harm to anyone else and has the kindest heart yet they bullied and belittled her and beat her up. Harmony didn't want me doing anything but I can't do just nothing, I won't hurt them like I want too but I will ensure they never hurt my baby girl again.

"Harmony where are your siblings? They should be here by now" I call out to Harmony who is across the kitchen making the salad. "Keira stopped over at Harlow's house but she's on her way here" Harmony explains "and what of your brother?" I ask "he's switched his phone off so I assume he's with Skylar" she replies making me sigh. "That boy knows not to turn his phone off but not to worry I'll get him over here" I say before exiting the kitchen.

I walk into the living room where Gabriel is sat on his chair watching cartoons with Sooty curled up beside him. I smile at the sight and shake my head as I grab a small post it note and a pen before scribbling a message onto it before using my magic to send it to Ethan.

Ethan's pov

I was making out with my girlfriend when I felt something in my pocket so I stopped and pulled away "what's wrong?" Skylar asks as I slip my hand in my pocket and pull out a small piece of paper. I open it and my eyes widen "shit" I curse "what is it?" she asks "it's from my mother, she wants me home as my uncle, his girlfriend and cousin are in town and she's pissed that I had my phone off. I'm so getting double grounded" I explain "wait your uncle Percy and Annabeth are in town with little Peter?" Skylar asks making me nod "yes" I respond "I thought they were on a year long gap year" she says "so did I but I must go, I'll see you tomorrow" I say giving her a quick kiss before getting off the bed "be nice" Skylar warns "what? I'm always nice, they're my family" I respond making her snort.

"Just don't give your mom a hard time, you know she does so much and she doesn't need any hassle" she says making me sigh "I would never, I love my mom. I'm just stressed about what happened today with that asshole Klaus" I respond "I know you are but don't take it out on your mom or siblings, they're probably feeling the same way" she replies making me nod. "I won't babe, I'll see you tomorrow" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.


I arrive at the house and walk straight in the door "what's up everyone? The one and only has just arrived, your lives just got better" I announce and I instantly hear a snout before loud laughter comes from the kitchen so I head to the kitchen to find my sisters laughing and clutching their stomachs.

"What are you two laughing at?" I ask with my hands on my hips making Keira laugh harder "you, you nimrod. Oh you are so full of yourself" she says wiping an imaginary tear away from her eyes. "what? You jealous because I'm the life of the party?" I retort making her snort "yeah no, you're not the life of the party. You're just the clown that people pity" she responds and Harmony giggles shaking her head. "Boo you Keira, no need to be salty because I'm better than you" I respond and she just laughs, throwing a grape at my head. "Mom Keira threw a grape at me. She just committed grape abuse!" I call out making my sister snicker "grape abuse? What, god you're an idiot" Keira retorts "mom Keira called me an idiot!" I yell "well you are dear" mom responds making my sisters laugh as I pout just as mom appears in the doorway.

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