Chapter 46

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Three days later...

Harmony's pov

It's been three days since Ethan caught me with our dad and he's giving me the cold shoulder, he's completely ignoring me. He even told Keira so now she's mad at me and isn't talking to me either and it hurts just because I made my mind up and am willing to give our father a chance they don't like it.

I know our father really hurt our mother when he left her and my siblings are quite resentful of that but we all make mistakes and we learn from those mistakes and we can only grow as people and learn to forgive and forget even if it may seem hard.

I know our father really wants my siblings to give him a chance, he really wants to be involved with us and I can tell he regrets leaving our mother. You can see it in his eyes whenever she's brought up in conversation.

"Keira" I call out as Keira walks past me but she just keeps on walking "Keira please stop ignoring me" I say feeling sad because my siblings are ignoring me. Keira just keeps on walking making me bow my head and I head to mom and aunt Caroline's office.

The soon I reach the office I burst the door open and start crying "Harmony what's wrong?" mom asks in a worried tone as she gets up from her chair "t-they're ignoring me" I say with a slight stammer. I never like it when my siblings are mad especially if it's me they're mad at.

"Who's ignoring you?" mom asks as I hear the door shut behind me "Ethan and Keira" I sob as we sit down on the couch "why are they ignoring you?" she asks while running a hand through my hair "you know like how Ethan saw me with dad a few days ago?" I ask making her nod "yes what about it?" she asks "well he hasn't been talking to me because of it and he told Keira who is now mad at me too and they're both not speaking to me" I explain making her sigh.

"I'll speak to them, I will not have them treat you like this just because they aren't happy with your decision. They're your siblings and they should be respectful of your choices and opinions" she says before getting up and walking over to her desk.

She presses the overhead mic button "could Ethan and Keira Claire please make your way to the head office please? Thank you" she says before releasing the button and returning to me. "Should I just not talk to dad? It would make my siblings happy" I say and she shakes her head and sits beside me. "No because then that wouldn't be fair on you and it would crush your father. I know it means a lot to him that you're giving him a chance. Don't let your siblings bully you into shutting him out okay? You are capable of making your own decisions and they need to respect that" she says before the door opens and she quickly stands up.

Ethan and Keira enter "hey mom" they say before noticing me sitting in the room and they narrow their eyes at me. "Yeah bye" Keira says about to walk out "not so fast Keira" mom says making her stop "come back, both of you sit" she says sternly making them quickly shut the door and sit down.

"What's this I hear about you giving your sister the silent treatment huh? Why are you being horrible to her?" she asks with her arms folded and neither of my siblings say anything except they both sink in their chairs looking anywhere but at mom.

"Look at me when I talk to you. Answer my question, why are you being to her?" she asks "she stabbed us in the back" Keira replies making me frown "she lied to us" Ethan says "okay she did not stab you in the back. She made a decision, a decision to give your father a chance and you two are disrespecting her decision. I raised you three to be kind and respectful to one another, I didn't raise you to be mean and use silence as a punishment against the other when you think they've done something wrong" mom lectures making them bow their heads.

"I understand you two are still finding it hard with your father and his family being around, I get it I do and I know you two are struggling on whether or not you give your father a chance because you're not sure whether you can trust him and that's okay, there's no pressure and nobody is rushing you. Your father isn't pushing you, he's giving you time but Harmony has made a decision and you should respect that" she says and Ethan slowly lifts his head.

"I'm sorry Harmony, I was just mad that you felt you couldn't tell us. I mean yeah I don't like it but that's because I don't trust him yet but I just wish you had told us" Ethan says "yeah, I was hurt by that too. We tell each other everything and you didn't tell us you were speaking to our father" Keira says making me look down "I was afraid, I was afraid of how you'd react" I respond making them both look down.

"We're sorry" Ethan apologizes "yeah we're sorry for being assholes" Keira says making me smile slightly "I'm sorry for not telling you I was speaking to our father" I respond and Keira rushes over and hugs me making me laugh. "Yeah I don't do that shit" Ethan says with a scoff kicking one of his feet up on the desk "foot off the desk Ethan" mom says rolling up a magazine and gently hitting him on the back of the head with it making me and Keira laugh "mom" he whines "foot off desk Ethan, I will not ask again" mom says giving him a stern look "there, that better mom?" he asks with a bit of attitude in his tone as he removes his foot off the desk "watch your tone with me young man" mom warns with her hands on her hips.

"I love you mom" Ethan says with a smile "that's better now off you go you three" mom says before ushering us out the door and shutting it behind it "back to class, I can't be arsed today" Keira groans as me and Ethan gently pull her along. 

"Hey guys" Hope says as she walks up to us making Keira groan "oh no" she mumbles making me give her a look "hey Hope how you doing?" I ask hooking my arm through hers "I'm quite alright actually. Landon asked me out for milkshakes after school and I don't know whether to say yes" she explains "oh you should totally say yes. Landon likes you and I know you like him, I mean I always see you staring at him in class" I say with a teasing smile as I gently nudge her with my elbow making her cheeks flush at my words.

"Okay so I may have a little crush on him but I'm worried that if I do go out with him after school that my dad will do something to him. He's very protective and he doesn't like me being around boys" she replies "honey it's just milkshakes, it's not like Landon's asking you to marry him" Keira speaks up making me glare at her "Keira be nice" I say "what? He just asked her to get milkshakes with him, it's just a harmless little get together and her dad surely can't get all pissy over that and if he does say anything or flips in anyway just tell him he's a friend or he's gay that should make him back off" Keira replies turning to Hope at the last part.

"That could work but I don't know if he'll buy it" Hope says "just do what you want, he can go fuck himself if he doesn't like it" Keira says before walking away making me sigh "we're sorry about her" Ethan says "oh it's fine, I actually think that's the nicest she's been to me since I've been here" Hope replies "it's a work in progress for her" Ethan replies making me nod. "She's warming up to you at least I think" I say sheepishly I honestly don't know, I still don't think Keira likes her very much but at least she's not totally ignoring her.

Hope sighs "yeah, well we should get to class because I think we're gonna be late" she says making me and Ethan look at our watches and curse before we run down the hallway to our next class.

End of chapter

Ethan and Keira were giving Harmony the cold shoulder over her talking to their father and giving him a chance. Davina sorted the situation and gave Ethan and Keira a good talking too. Ethan and Keira were mainly just upset Harmony didn't tell them she was talking to their father. Harmony urged Hope to say yes to Landon asking her out for milkshakes. Keira was a little rude to her but gave her a little bit of advice before walking off. What will happen next?

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